Chapter 4

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Saturday, April 15th

     Knock.  Knock. 
I threw a pillow over my face while turning in bed. I kept hearing the same loud but soft annoying knock and then a voice "Craig, sweetie. Open the door, you have a visitor!~" Mom?

With the tone in her voice it's probably just my girlfriend. I groaned while refusing to actually get up "Just come in" I sleepily said as I heard the door open and creek a bit. "Hey Craig" I sat up and looked at the persons familiar voice "Tweek?" Why is he here?

"Sorry, I know its early but I had just remembered that I left my phone in here!" He did? I didn't even see his phone. "Oh, uh thats fine but I didn't see it anywhere" He went to the middle of the room and searched everywhere, is he sure he left it here?

Okay maybe I lied a bit about leaving my phone just to see Craig, but anyone would do it right?! Im just trying to calm my own thoughts down, I want to put my phone somewhere and act like I'm picking it up but he won't stop staring at me!

Its a little creepy because his face isn't showing any emotion! At the same time though.. its kind of hot.  Ugh I'm so weird for this!! I have to distract him somehow, suddenly I saw a big container that I didn't notice before. How did I not notice it before?

"Whats that, Craig?" I pointed to it, he stood up immediately when I did and walked next to me. "Its stripe, my guinea pig." Stripe? How.. clever. "Wow cool!" I was a little amazed by how adorable the guinea pig was but I also just wanted Craig to like me.

"He is my everything." He said with a fist to his chest where his heart should be, should I be jealous or is he just a little weird. I smiled with a small giggle "Hey whats so funny??" He looked at me with his eyes a little wide and his mouth slightly open. "Its nothing, I love your guinea pig"

I walked around his room more and since he was distracted with Stripe, I took this as an opportunity to place my phone somewhere random. I put it under the bed so you can tell why he didn't see it when I 'left' it. "Oh! Found it!" I smiled, I know it was a lie and all but I would do almost anything to see him everyday.

I'm not crazy or anything. I just. simply love,
Craig Tucker. "Thats good, are you going to leave now?" That sentence broke me a little, "I was thinking we could maybe hang out a little, become nice friends" I said with a confident smile, if you have confidence then they're sure to say yes!

"Sorry, I would but I promised my girlfriend to spend the day with her" I scratched the back of my neck trying to sound nice. We weren't really friends, hell we weren't friends at all, yet he's trying so hard to be. Why? "Thats fine, sorry I asked. Bye Craig!" He quickly nodded and said while rushing out the door.

I felt bad, I think he took it the wrong way but I really didn't mean too. I felt a little sad and then remembered why should I care? I barely know the guy! And thats when I remembered events from yesterday, that day was so embarrassing and I hope he didn't notice, what is going on? I never knew Tweek and then all of a sudden he's there everywhere I go, did I just not notice him before? Has he always been there?

—time skip 3:30–

I was buttoning my shirt when I looked out my side window. My eyes widened, I saw Craig shirtless and I would've said he was so good looking which he was but he was only doing that because he was making out with his girlfriend.

I felt like I was being stabbed in the heart even though its nobody's fault but mine, I just can't stop loving him can I? I walked quickly downstairs to start my shift at the coffee shop, while I was walking down the sidewalk I glanced again up at Craigs window. I didn't see him though, I frowned with a sigh, I wish I didn't have these feelings.
I rushed around because the coffee shop had been packed, I never understood why 7-10 was the busiest hours besides 5am-12pm I mean its late! Why do you wanna stay up? I can't really talk, I've been drinking at least 3 cups of coffee each break I get.

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