Chapter 15

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MONDAY, May 15th

Did I say I was prepared for this test? No. No I was not because right now I was looking at maybe 10 note cards that would 'help' me for the exams. I kept going over them 5 times until I felt a nudge on my arm which made me yelp.

"Chill Tweek, its just me" I heard a light chuckle after that and when I turned around I saw Craig. I hit him on his shoulder "Stop scaring me like that!" He kept laughing like a dork. "Man babe, you're really abusive" I made a pouty face because I was about to kick his shin but then that would've proved his point more.

I rolled my eyes "And no more jokes!" Craig raised his hands up in defense. "I know I know.. I love y-" I shoved him away with a blush on my face, "STOP. No" He looked confused when I did that "Whats wrong?" I shut my locker and just walked away from him with a scoff.

How can a guy be so stupid! So reckless! So dumb! I don't wanna hear an 'I love you' from that man unless its true. Wait. I DON'T WANNA HEAR THAT FROM HIM AT ALL! Maybe I did when we met because I had a HUGE crush on him but I need to focus and he's REALLY messing with my head! How will I focus for exams?

I kept walking when I got embraced into a hug from behind "AACH WHO ARE YOU" I shouted and heard a cracked laugh. "Sorry sorry, Final Exams are starting in a few minutes! Wanna sit with me and Butters? I'll let you copy him~" Kenny said with a wide toothy smile.

"Wow you'll let me copy off of HIS paper" I broke and smiled a little at that dumb scene in my head. "So, what do ya say? Lets go!" Before I could respond, I was getting dragged towards the auditorium where the Exams would be taking place.

We took a seat kind of high next to Butters, he sat in the middle of us. I looked around for a certain blue chullo hat and then found my target, Craig was sitting not too far in front of me, maybe 3 rows down. I know this is childish but he looked so cute!

The more time I spend with Craig, the more I just cannot get my mind off of him! Sometimes I feel like he might like me back, I know it sounds dumb but the jokes and things he does.. he doesn't really do it with any of his other friends, so much for his reputations of 'not caring.'

"Attention! Staff members are passing out your papers for this Final Exam. Everyone is in rows from the Freshman, sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. Of course it will get more difficult for each grade. So, lift your pencils" I gulped quietly at principal Gaston as I picked my pencil up with shaky hands. I looked down to see Craig's back but he wasn't looking in front of him. He was looking, at me?

I saw Craig wave with a winning smile and give me a thumbs up, I felt all of my nerves calm down when I saw his supporting face. I smiled at waved at him with a thumbs up, When Craig did turn around I felt a little bummed but with way more confidence then I did before!

"Now, if you all are ready. Begin!" The principal said loud enough for everyone to hear with the microphones and then, I begun writing.


"Alright..TIMES UP! Pencils down" The principal told everyone and I let go. We had about an hour to work but If I'm being honest, I finished about 20 minutes ago. I was reviewing my work 30 times though. Every grade left one by one until they called the Seniors to leave, I got up after Kenny and Butters in the small little rows and walked down.

When I made my way to the last step I felt myself being hugged, I looked up and saw Craig which made me blush really red. "Finally we're done! That was so boring! How do you think you did?" Craig asked me with an arm still around my shoulder.
"U-uhm.. Ma-maybe good ACK- I don't know" I hate when I get nervous like this around him.

We've done a lot of things together, I don't know why I still get so nervous around him! We walked outside of school to catch up with our friend group and.. Stans group? "Hey guys! So Tolkien got us plane tickets but we have to put as much money as we could to pay him back haha" Stan said with a hand on the back on his head.

"Thats great! Thanks Toke, so.. when are we leaving?" Craig asked, I was half focusing because his arm never left my shoulder and if Anything, I could feel him bringing me closer every other minute. "Tomorrow! Be ready at 6:00 because we have to be there 2 hours earlier and our flight starts at 9:00am" Wait, what?!

"That early?!" I guess I could just stay up the whole night and sleep on the plane- "lets all have a sleepover so none of us oversleeps!" Clyde suggested and everyone nodded "Unless all of us do with all of your snoring" Cartman said and then Kyle butted in "You're the one who snores the loudest Cartman, I doubt we'll get enough sleep." Everyone laughed but I don't think he was joking.

If they're sleeping over then this is bad for me! If its at Tolkiens house then we can have separate rooms, I'll just fake-sleep.


"Does everyone have everything ready?" Tolkien was double- no, triple checking that everybody had everything in their bag. I had at least 20 different outfits even if it was just a 2 week trip.

"Okay and everyone is really prepared?" We all groaned instead of saying anything. "TOLKIEN. We have to wake up at 6am, yes, we have everything so can we go to bed" Craig said impatiently. "Fine, fine but don't get mad when 'Tolkien no! I forgot something super duper important at home' Because I told you guys" I couldn't help but laugh a little at Tolkiens 'mocking.'

"We have about 2 rooms open at the moment because my parents are home" Tolkien informed but I swear he had more last time. Or maybe it was because his parents room was huge. "Group with group?" Craig said and everyone agreed, I don't think I'll be able to sleep so I'll just go with Stans group.

I was about to walk in one of the rooms that Kenny went in but got softly tugged from the back and I saw Craig. "Hey, Tweek. Where are you going? You're usually in our group" He had a confused face expression but also kind of sad? "Uh, I just, uhm. Okay I'll just tell you, I'm probably not gonna fall asleep so I assumed Stans group would be up with me for a little" it sounds a little dumb out loud.

"Really? Try to sleep, come on Tweek" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room he was staying in. I looked at his hand, it was really soft but maybe it would be weird if I held it too. Craig walked into the already dark room and turned the light on which Clyde hissed like a vampire and faced Craig "Craig, turn off the light right now or I'll beat your ass" He turned off the light again without a word.

I felt like we were teenage girls sneaking around because he was grabbing all of these pillows and blankets, then he pulled me out of the room? "Craig? Where are we going?" When I asked him that, he just looked at me with a smile and ran to the living room. Oh god, he's making a pillow fort. I saw him gather couch pillows for the walls and then place our sleeping pillows on the inside.

"We can sleep in the plane right?" Craig told me when we entered the small fort, he grabbed the remote to watch some TV but low volume. "This is so stupid Craig" I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Aah, you know you love it" I couldn't even face Craig anymore without smiling like a dork and blushing like crazy.

We were laying down watching TV when I looked over and Craig was passed, the fuck, out. I shook my head a little at his sleeping position, He was laying on his side and a little drool on his mouth. Craig was so cute though, I folded my arms together on the pillow and placed my head on them while I stared at him quietly.

I know this sounds weird but he was just so freaking mesmerizing! There was so much to say about his facial features and every other thing about him, I know he can sound rude sometimes but with me. He's so sweet and willing for every possibility, sometimes I wonder why?

Craig was so sweet to do this for me. He truly is a great friend, maybe even a boyfriend. But, I haven't gotten that far, yet.


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