Chapter 24

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Thursday, May 25th

I finished changing and walked out of the bathroom. "Are you ready to go?" I asked Craig and he took his hoodie off revealing his chest with the few abs he had.

"Yeah, are you sure that makeup is gonna stay?   Tweek?" Craig asked me, my eyes kept glaring at his chest. I heard him chuckle "Tweek~ if you think I'm that good looking then say it to my face, you don't have to just watch it when you can feel it"

Craig pressed his body against mine making me lean against a wall. "I- I wasn't! I was looking. For. Something.." My words steered off topic.

"Remember what I said about liars? I might have to make the same thing happen if you continue" My face went red and he got really close to me where our faces were inches apart.

"S-sorry. I was- lets- LETS JUST GO" I shouted and pushed Craig off of me. Trying to calm myself down, I fanned myself with my hands and took deep breathes.

"Haha of course Tweekster" Craig ruffled my hair and we walked out. God why does he have to be so annoyingly cute.
"Craig, Tweek! Join us" Clyde shouted as everyone was already in the pool. I hate water. Last time I almost drowned, IN THE KIDDY POOL.

"I'm just gonna dip my feet" I sat down on the edge and the others booed me. "Come on Tweek, have some fun" Craig encouraged me but I shook my head.

"I don't really know how to swim so I'll be spending my time here" Craig laughed at me and I flipped him off. "Alright, Here goes" Craig looked at me with a smirk and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"GO!" Craig shouted and charged at me. "AACK" I stood up and he tackled me into the water. <SPLASH!>

I got dragged up forcefully from the water, I was coughing all over the place. Craig shifted my legs on his shoulders. "Haha, sorry. You okay Tweek?" He lifted his head to look at me, he looked so adorable.

"Yea-ugh." I covered my mouth, the way he moved his head was too close down there. "What's wrong Tweek?" Craig had a confused expression.

"N-nothing, don't worry about it" I clung to Craigs head, trying to move myself further away. My body got pushed again and a lot of movement from someone pushing Craig made my crotch rub against his head.

These shorts are so thin that I let out a small moan hoping no one heard it but of course, Craig did. "What was that?" I saw a small smirk on his face.

"Hm? I didn't hear anything" I tried to play innocent but Craig slowly rubbed his head on my area making my face drop. "Hmm.. really?~" Craig was enjoying this too much.

"Mm.. y-yes." My breath got shaky. "If you're feeling down, I could make you feel better" Craig smirked and pushed his head further back making me stutter out a soft groan.

I was surprised nobody saw us but we were in the corner and not facing them. I wanted to get off but my body lead me closer and started rubbing off him by itself. Fuck. Where is my self respect right now?

It's just that. It feels so good. "Wow Tweek, I didn't know you were such an animal!" Craig laughed, I finally came to my senses and pushed myself off of him while falling in the process with a splash.

I gasped for air as I clung to the walls of the pool. "Tweek, I was only kidding. Except, I don't think you were?" Craig followed behind me as I used the walls to get out of the pool and back to just dip my legs.

"Can we please just, not talk about what happened in there" I had my head down in embarrassment. I really don't know what came over me.

"...Fine Tweek." Craig crawled behind me, pushed my down on his chest and wrapped his arms around my stomach while laying his head on my shoulder.

A light blush crept on my face. I laid there in shock with him, he sighed. "What's wrong?" Craig only nuzzled his head further in my neck without a word.

I don't get it. One night Craig decided to do that. With me, and now he's being super clingy for no reason.

I felt my vision get blurry until my mind drifted off.
"Theyre so ga.. hahaha"
"Guys, hey fags! Wake up" My eyes opened and I saw everybody staring at us while sitting down.

I didn't realize until a hand shifted from my torso to my shoulders and neck. Craig. He had his arms wrapped around me even when people were giving us looks nearby, why isn't he letting go?

I tried to get up but he kept me down and snuggled me closer, my face turned bright red and I covered my face in embarrassment. "How long until you guys just get it over with and fuck?!" Bebe shouted and I looked at her with wide eyes.

"Bebe!" She shrugged at me like she said nothing wrong. "Alright lets go, it's already 8pm and the pool is closing" Tolkien announced and we got up, Craig had his arm still around me though.

"Tweek! Stan and my gang are hanging out, wanna come?~" Kenny got up close to me and Craig slightly pulled me away from him.

"Sure dude!" I was standing in front of my room door and got out of Craigs grip. "Let me shower real quick" I dashed into my room to get a clean pair of  clothes and then shower.
I dried the rest of my hair with a towel. "I'll be back, soon." I told Craig and as soon as I said that, he put his phone down and walked towards me.

"Don't do anything stupid" Craig warned me as he towered slightly over me. "I'm not, we're all friends so its fine!" Why does he care so much?

"I know. Stay away from Kenny the most though" Craig embraced me in a hug and I was shocked but I didn't hug him back. "Bye" He smiled softly at me and my heart melted.

I walked out of the room, wanting more than just a hug. How could he just smile and leave me like that? There I stood, in front of Kennys door yet. Something was in my mind, Craig.

I looked at Kennys door with a long stare. Until I saw myself standing in front of my room door again. I was about to knock until Craig opened the door, we stared at each other in silence.

How can he expect me to sit still with those seductive eyes of his.

"Uhm. .. I-I'm back. Early. Something was on my mind." We stared at each other in silence with only the small amount of wind to accompany us. Until he smiled at me.

He had a soft smile but his eyes said something else.
His body slowly moved forward.

And so did mine.


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