Chapter 10

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FRIDAY, May 5th -1am-

I think Everyone went home because no one was at the house yet, well their stuff was still here. I sat Craig down on the couch "I need to take you home, Can you walk?" Thankfully for me, Craig got up but was wobbly so I put his arm around my shoulder

We walked slowly but I tried to speed up because of how late it was. It was really quiet outside and it kind of made me nervous, I saw 5 teenagers at Starks pond being passed out somewhere. Were they from the party? This was so dumb.

I kept walking until I tripped over a rock on the sidewalk, it was so dark! "GAH!" I fell and Craig fell face first, yikes.. at least he didn't fall on the concrete. Just the grass, Craig fell on my back but his face hit the snow, what if he gets frostbite?!

"Craig! Craaig! Get off m-me! Its too cold!" I tried to whisper-shout while Craig was snoring softly and currently CRUSHING ME! I tried to squirm around but he wouldn't budge. "Craig. I'm going to beat your ass once you snap out of it." I tried kicking as well but he wouldn't move, was he dead??!

I saw my phone laying on the snow, that works? I reached for it, who do I call?? Uhm...oh! I know two people who will be up or at least help me!! 1..2... "Hello? Oh, Hey Tweek! What's up??" I smiled in relief, maybe I'll be saved!

"Hey Clyde! Is Tolkien there with you? I need help, Craig got drunk and fell on me in the snow. I can't get up" I heard laughing on the other end while I rolled my eyes. "Haha, yeah Tolkiens here! We can pick you guys up, where are you?" I told him my location and he hung up. We were near my coffee shop but with Craigs condition, I just wanted to go home.

I was shivering from the cold, me and Craig were almost fully covered in snow! I heard a car.. or a car door open and rushed footsteps "Holy shit Tweek! Are you guys okay??" Clyde and Tolkien ran up to us and basically dug us out of the snow YET Craig was sleeping like a baby.

Tolkien picked me up and sat me in the back of the car while Clyde struggled to pick Craig up, it was a teamwork effort for that one. They finally pulled him in the car, I noticed Craig was shivering in his sleep like me. I dusted the remaining snow off of his jacket even though it mostly just sunk in his clothes.

A few minutes when Tolkien started his car I felt a weight on me, Craig leaned his head on my shoulder trying to find warmth and it made me blush. "So, where are you you two lovebirds going too?" I flipped Clyde off and he laughed. "I guess Craigs house, my parents probably locked me out already" I was gonna laugh but Tolkien made a HUGE turn to the right "GAAH" I shouted and Craig shot his head up.

"W-whats going on" Craig spoke but I could tell he was still half awake. I grabbed his head gently and leaned it on my shoulder "I know, you're tired" Craig didn't respond but instead of laying on my shoulder, he laid on my lap, I took his hat off and started to stroke his hair softly until he fell back into his deep sleep.

"My house it is!" Tolkien said, is that why he made that turn?? "Are you sure?" I know its Friday but right now? "Yeah! You and Craig can share a room" Tolkien said, he definitely has more than enough rooms for all of us. He's setting me up!

"I-I'm okay. I don't want it to be weird for us" I heard Clyde and Tolkien laugh in the front. "You don't want it to be weird? While Craigs snuggling close to you on your lap? Look, just between all of us. I can tell you one thing, Craig is definitely in l- OW" Tolkien elbowed Clyde, huh?

"Let it be" I was so confused right now, Craig what?
"Huh? Craig what?" I got curious and I saw Clyde smiling but he didn't reply. Shortly later, we arrived and all three of us picked Craig up together.

We brought him into one of the beds and plopped him there. Right after we dropped him, Craig LITERALLY took up the whole bed "I think I should sleep somewhere else" The other guys laughed. We went into the living room and sat on the couch

"Its 1:45, should we sleep? I've had a hell of a night" The guys shrugged and turned the tv on, Tolkien said his parents went on a week trip for their yearly anniversary. I yawned and got up "I'm just gonna head to bed" They nodded and I walked back up to the room Craig was in

When I walked in I saw Craig sitting up and looking at the ground "AAH. JESUS CRAIG. Why're you sitting like that in a dark room?! Thats fucking creepy!" I shouted and he turned to me, Craig had laughed. "Sorry, why're we in Tolkiens house?" I shrugged

"He said he was taking us home, you missed A LOT. I mean you were there but probably too drunk" its the only reasonable answer! "Haha, I barely remember anything. Only that I wiped punch off you and then I blacked out" I smiled "Trust me, that wasn't it. We'll talk about it in the morning though, since you're awake I'm gonna sleep in the other room" it would be awkward now.

"You can sleep here, I don't mind........NOT IN A WEIRD GAY WAY OR ANYTHING. I-I just don't mind" Did he stutter? I smiled and walked over to him, I sat down next to him. "Okay" I laid in the bed while he laid down next to me, we slept opposite directions.


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