Chapter 22

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Wednesday, May 24th

"Tweek come on, everyone's rushing us out!" Craig shouted as he kept looking for his phone. "Just a- wait a minute!! I can't fucking tie my shoes, I keep twitching too much" Besides more of me muttering curse words under my breath, this was a pretty chaotic morning.

"Oh my- fuck Tweek. Here" Craig was slightly frustrated so he bent down on one knee and started to tie my shoes one by one quickly.

"Okay, ready? Lets go" He held the sides of my face and got close to my fore head but stoped when I felt his warm breathe on my head. "What are you d-doing?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"U-uhm. Nothing never-mind, sorry, lets go" He grabbed my wrist and we grabbed our bags as we headed outside to everyone else.

Was he about to kiss me? Or, kiss my forehead? Maybe I'm overthinking it. "Everyone ready? Lets go!" We got into the car one by one, I sat in the middle of Craig and Kenny.

"So Tweek, how'd you like the vacation?~ we should've spent more alone time together" Kenny pushed his shoulder against mine and I lightly blushed with a smile.

"Back off Kenny" Craig shoved Kenny off my left shoulder and I just stared at the two. "I know I know, he's all your huh? Are you jealous?" Kenny smirked, now I see what he's doing.

"Craig it's fine, he's just trying to get under your skin and make you break-"

"Yeah, he is so back off Mccormick." Craig took our seatbelts off. "Craig! What are you doing?!" Instead of answering me, he swapped our seats making me on the right and him in the middle.

Wait a minute, did he just say I was his? My face flushed red with the thought. "I knew it! You're so gay for him" Kenny chuckled and Craig had a pink tinted on his cheeks in realization of what he just said.

"I will punch your brains out" Craig gave Kenny a cold glare. "Yee-ikes! Please don't, not many people can get such a pretty face like mines you know?" Kenny put his hands up in defense and stopped messing with me.

I rolled my eyes at the two idiots. "I told you we should've gotten breakfast later Fatass!" Stans loud voice caught my attention.

"Ugh, this traffic is hell. We're gonna have to stop by a motel on the way alright guys?" Tolkien broke the news and then everyone started groaning because motels are not known for their cleanliness.

"Okay what about a 5 star hotel?" Tolkien tried to reason and everyone agreed. "Okay." I heard a sigh from him.

"Tweeky, we should share a room-" Kenny Leaned over Craig but he interrupted. "Not gonna happen" Craig pushed Kenny back into his seat.

"Aww" Kenny slumped in his seat. "Maybe if there isn't enough rooms!" I assured Kenny but Craig frowned.

"He'll just be swooning over you, why do you want him in our room?" There was a lot of things going on in Craigs sentence, should I mess with him? Yes.

"Don't you swoon over me all the time? And what do you mean our room? You really wanna get me in bed with you that bad huh?" I held the smirk on my face as Craigs face turned red.

I never knew Craig could make such a face yet I was proud because I made it happen. "Damn Tweek! I guess you guys will be pretty rowdy tonight!" Kenny was snickering but Craig just stayed silent with a stare to the floor, never taking his eyes off of it.

Craig only responded with 'hm,' 'yeah,' and 'no's for the rest of the trip to the hotel. I wonder if I broke him, or maybe he's upset at me?

I don't even know why or how I came up with what I said. I really learn everything from Kenny.

"Slowly. Everybody get out because I don't want anyone breaking this van" Tolkien said, specifically staring at Cartman.

"Okay lets arrange everybody's seating, its 2 beds per room so I've bought 5 rooms." Tolkien grabbed room keys from the front desk.

"Okay, Stan with Kyle, Cartman with Jimmy, Kenny with Butters, Me with Tweek so that leaves Craig with Clyde." Tolkien suggested what our groups would be,   At least my group is pretty nice.

"Clyde switch with Tweek" That was Craigs first sentence since we got here! "Why? You don't want me to be with youuu?" Clyde batted his eyes getting close to Craig, I know he's joking but I felt a little bit  of jealousy.

"No. Switch with Tweek" Craig had a stern look on his face. "Fine, fine. Go be with your boyfriend" Clyde walked with Tolkien and Jimmy, Craig didn't deny anything when Clyde said that.

Craig looked at me and his eyes softened, it made me go crazy. I've only ever seen him look at me like that, me. Recently, Craig has been so much softer towards me than any of our other friends. I wonder why?

Once we entered our room, 401. I sat down on one of the beds and immediately sunk in, There was a small chuckle from Craigs side. "What's so funny??" The bed was so soft! But it made me fall in almost immediately.

"You act like a small child is all" I was in disbelief, he called me a kid??? I'm already 18! "I'm already 18! How could I be a kid, you act like a kid following me around" I pointed at him and his eyes widened slightly.

"No.... You follow me!" Craig said the 'no' quietly but I know how close he has been getting recently. "Yeah yeah Yeah, alllll lies! You know, it's good manners to tell the truth once in a while- ACK" Craig Tackled me on the bed.

He held my wrists up with his right hand above my head, his legs straddled me so I couldn't get up and his left hand on my left shoulder. I could feel my face heat up immediately, the smirk on his face told me he was joking but. His eyes, they were full of lust.

"We both know I'm not a liar like that, you on the other hand." He slowly dropped his smirk and got closer to my face "Are you a liar, Tweek?" The way Craig said my name made me shiver, I could feel myself about to loose it at any second.

Why was he so hot when seductive?! I shook my head, I was still in shock from the whole situation, too shook to say actual words. "That was another lie added to the list, and it's worse when you lie to me" Craig brought his face inches away from mine until I could feel his warm breathe near my lips.

He moved his head lower and closer to the lop of my neck. Without warning I felt his lips on my neck and he started sucking on it, I let out a moan from the sudden touch.

"Crai- uagh~" I could feel my neck going to bruise in that spot, ugh. Craig moved his lips a little higher and sucked there except instead of a little moan, I shouted because of how good it felt. "Found it" Craig muttered and continued on that spot.

My legs were squirming under him and I tried to move but Craig held me down. Craig kept going on the same spot, licking, sucking, even biting yet I kept moaning like crazy. I didn't even realize if anyone could hear me right now!

I bit my lip because I couldn't cover my mouth with my hands, Craig had those restrained from moving. After a few seconds I could barely take it anymore and I let out another moan. "Your moans are so pretty"

Craigs muffled voice made me confused, did I hear that right?! Even if I did I'm not going to give him that satisfaction, god this is so gay!

I moved every inch of my body to get away from Craigs grip, I can't say that I didn't like the way he was acting. But, I don't want everybody to hear me!!

I got one hand out of Craigs grip and covered my mouth so he couldn't hear whatever came out next. "You have to let all of those lies out somehow" Craigs voice was enough to make me beg for him on my knees, If he doesn't stop soon then I don't know what I might get myself into.

Craig removed my hand but I didn't stop him, we just made eye contact with each other. His eyes staring down at me and my panting when he kept making me feel like this.

"I... I'm not. Not a liar" I struggled to say as he shook his head. "Tell me the truth Tweek" He then gave me a soft smile and my eyes closed. Did I pass out? Crap.


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