Chapter 25 (NSFW)

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Thursday, May 25th (NSFW)

My body moved forward almost like a magnet. I felt my lips crash into Tweeks, I picked him up while grabbing his ass and shutting the door.

"Mmm" Tweek moaned in my mouth and I pushed him against the door, I squeezed his ass with my hands supporting them and he yelped.

Taking that as an opportunity, I pushed my tongue all around his mouth. I shoved my tongue down his throat making him gag, we stopped to gasp for air.

The truth is, I've been waiting to do this forever. To feel Tweeks soft lips, to feel his soft skin and to taste every bit of him. I gave him a hickey last time and I would've done more but I had to control myself.

Yet, when I looked at Tweek a few moments ago all I could see in his eyes were lust and love. And so were mine. I stopped kissing Tweek and sucked on his sweet skin.

I wanted to continue so I brought Tweek to the bed and dropped him. The minute I got on top of him, I unbuckled his pants but he didn't try to stop me.

He had this look in his eyes that he was ready to break at any second, and I wanted to break and fuck him raw.

I pulled my shirt off along with the rest of his clothes and just stared at him for a moment. I've never seen him actually naked before.

"Why... why'd you stop" Tweek huffed out and my focus was brought back onto him. I kissed his chest, making hickeys everywhere. While I was kissing his chest, my right hand got to work below.

I rubbed the tip of his cock slowly then quickened my pace. "Aah!~" Tweek didn't expect it to be so sudden so I continued

|No one pov|
Craig squeezed Tweeks dick roughly while jerking him off and Tweek moaned. "Aahugh.~ more~" Was all Tweek could let out.

"You have no idea how much I want to fuck you day and night" Craig whispered in Tweeks ear. Tweek bit his lip, trying to hold the moans trying to get out.

"F-fuck..... then do it" Tweek sat up and slowly got up in Craigs face with a determined look on his face. Tweek looked down and saw Craigs pants tighten and smiled.

Without a word, Craig stopped touching Tweek which he heard him whine. Craig took his pants off and flipped Tweek on his stomach.

"I'll be right back" Craig whispered in Tweeks ear and got up. He walked to his dresser scavenging for something under all of this clothes. Tweek whined impatiently as Craig was taking a lot of time.

Craig walked back to Tweek and Tweek got a glimpse of what Craig had in his hand, lube. "I'm going to get you ready" Craig said softly as he squeezed the tube on his fingers, he put two fingers around Tweeks rectum and plunged into him.

"Ah!" Tweek yelped as he was getting used to Craigs fingers in him. Soon the feeling in Tweek felt warm and he tried to move around so he could feel Craigs fingers deeper "uaah~" Tweek moaned from the pleasure.

"Ah ah, I pleasure you." Craig stopped Tweek from moving and heard a long whine. Craig moved his fingers around in him and Tweek moaned loudly.

Craig put a 3rd finger in and Craig saw a small tear forming in Tweeks eyes. "Are you sure you're ready? I don't want to hurt you" Craig talked to Tweek in the most soothing loving voice that he could.

"Yes, yes yes I am. Please Craig, I want you to fuck me until I can't walk for a week" Tweeks desperate pleads for him made Craig go crazy. "If that's what you want, I would be delighted to grant it" Craig smirked and pulled his finger out of Tweek.

"This is gonna hurt okay? Tell me when to move" Craig put more lube on Tweek and slowly entered him, Tweek moaned loudly with a slight sound of pain.

"Aah~ augh~ d-don't move yet" Tweek was panting like crazy. Craig stayed still for a moment until Tweek felt ready "Okay ack- I'm ready" As soon as Tweek said that, Craig immediately started moving back and forth.

Craig moved slowly just to hear Tweeks needy moans. Craig pulled out of Tweek while circling his rectum "Craaaig~... s-stop teasing me and fuck me!" Tweek slightly shouted and Craig pushed into Tweek roughly.

"AH!~" Tweek bucked his hips, tightening the area where Craigs dick was making Craig groan too.

Time skip

Craig pushed into Tweek like there was no tomorrow he kept pushing in and out. "Aaaaagh~" Tweek drooled on the beds pillow, Craig had one hand on the bed board and one hand interlocked with Tweeks as he pushed inside him once more.

Tweek felt a tingling feeling in his stomach "C-craig I'm going- agh!~" Tweek couldn't finish his sentence before cumming all over the bed. Craig kept pushing into Tweek with two hard thrusts and then cummed inside of him, making Tweeks insides warm.

They both fell on the cleaner side of the bed, Tweek was clinging to Craig while breathing really fast. eventually, they fell asleep without a clue of what would happen the next day.


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