Chapter 20

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Monday, May 22nd

"Tweek~ Tweeky" I felt the touch of someone nudging me on my arms. "Ngh.. 5 more minutes" The nudging became more rough and I groaned.

"Tweek. Get up before the others leave" A much rougher voice was heard from one side. "I mean, I'd never leave him, why would you want to leave your boyfriend Craiggy?~ AH" The other side spoke and then a thud was what I last heard.

"Ughhh" I sat up in my bed and saw Craig staring across from me with his arms folded and Kenny on the floor while rubbing his head. "What time is it?" I yawned and stretched my arms.

"1pm" What?! "Why didn't you guys wake me up?!" That's way too late! "I would've if someone wasn't such a deep sleeper" A light pink painted my face, a little embarrassing.

"Come on" Craig picked me up bridal style and I clung to his shoulders. "I can walk just fine." Craig grunted because I was starting to slip so he jumped me up.

"I know" Craig said as if he wasn't struggling to hold me earlier. A smile crossed my face as I looked at his facial details, seeing him from afar was really great but seeing him up close is even better.

Its only been a month but I still love him. Even with his shitty attitude. I wonder if he'll ever feel the same. Wait a minute, last night. HE WAS GIVINV ME HICKEYS? Well, he's never done this with our other friends, he's only been flirty or done certain things with me.

Does he like me? That question made me laugh, of course not- "What're you laughing about?" Craig snapped me out of my thoughts.

"U-uhm. Nothing!" I smiled but Craig didn't look so sure.
We finished getting ready and went outside to meet the others, well really just me because nobody woke me up. "Tweeky, you're such a sleepy head!" Kenny ruffled my hair and I rolled my eyes while pushing him lightly

"You guys could've woken me up better!" Craig said he tried but I doubt he really 'tried.' "Ya ya lets just go already!!" Clyde was extremely impatient.

"Lets go to the Gaurdians of the galaxy! It has a huge drop, that's what Bebe told me" Clyde shouted among everyone there. "L-like how big of a drop?" Butters face looked slightly concerned.

"It shouldn't be that bad, lets go!" Tolkien assured Butters and we made our way over there. "Woah! The lines crazy long!" Stan groaned after shouting that.

"It's not that long, stop being so dramatic" Kyle bonked Stan on the head with his hand. I rested my arms behind me on the railing. "Are you nervous?" Craig leaned next to me, doing the same pose.

"No, are you?" I smirked slightly at him and he smiled. "Mm, no but on the incredicoaster, you were screaming and crying like a baby." That made me laugh.

"Oh ya? And who managed to pass out?" Craig looked down with a slight sign of embarrassment.

"Okay but you were still scared" This guy really doesn't know how to say much huh? "Does it matter? I think I won on being the most brave" I got close to him and he didn't back away.

"Is that so? Would you be brave to something like this?" Craig got close, put an arm around my waist and grabbed my chin softly to face him better. I could feel my face getting more and more red at the sudden touch.

"U-uhm" I couldn't move, should I flirt with him? Isn't HE flirting with me?? Does that mean I was right... or maybe he's just a Kenny flirt. No. That's not how Craig is though.

"Maybe I would" I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped up, I wrapped my legs around his waist so he grabbed my thighs leading to my ass. 

I guess I'm flirting with him. "Tweek." Was all I heard Craig slightly whisper and we had long eye contact. Our faces slowly got closer until our noses were touching, I could feel Craigs breath on my lips as they were 2 centimeters away

"Guys? The lines moving!" We jumped and looked at Cartman until we noticed the line was almost empty. People were yelling at us to move, I got off of Craig awkwardly and we walked with everyone else.

"So, uhm." Was all I could mutter out, Craig had his head slightly down and his cheeks were red. "Uh, yeah?" Craig looked at me as we kept walking.

"Do you want to sit together?" I'm just gonna try and lead us out of that awkward situation. "Yeah, of cours- I mean sure" a small chuckle came from me when I heard Craigs response.

How did nobody see us..? Finally, we got up the line and were placed with a small crowd in a room. "why is the raccoon on the shelf" Stan looked so confused, I don't think he's ever heard of Guardians of the galaxy, has he?

"Ignore it Stan, it's probably you in my room at 3am" Kyle pushed Stan through the door as we kept moving. Huh?!

"Stand behind me so we can sit together!" I made Craig stand behind me with Kenny and Butters. "I'm going, stop rushing" Craig rolled his eyes and I shoved his shoulder. I won't take that kind of attitude.

I saw doors open to a small room with a bunch of chairs, This is a really small space but at least it's not out in the open right.

I was walking down the isle until Craig grabbed my wrist and sat me in the front. "W-what are you doing?" I looked at Craig and he just smiled at me.

"Are you ready?!" Clyde basically yelled in my ear from behind me. "U-uhm yeah sure I guess" I was slightly panicking because from the outside this is REALLY high up.

The room started to move, more like the seats were shaking lightly and I gulped. "Craig, is it too late to get off?" I had my eyes shut tightly.

"Duh Tweek, we are already seated but you'll be fine don't worry." Craig assured me and it made me feel better with the look in his eyes, I've never seen that much emotion and worry in his face with anyone else, but me.

The ride started to jerk and my worries came back, shit shit shit. I heard words on a speaker but my brain had blurred them out, all I could think of was when this ride would be over.

"C-Craig the walls are moving" I saw walls moving, were they going up or down?! "That's the fun part Tweek!" Tolkien shouted and I saw Doors slowly open, it was the sunset.

"Wow ack- that's pretty" I admired the warmth of the sun on my face and from the side of my eye, Craig was smiling at me. He looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't?

The chairs shook. "1..2..3.. AAAAAH" Clyde screamed as the walls quickly went down. "AAAAAAAGH" I screamed at the top of my lungs with small tears starting to form in my eyes, I didn't realize it but my hands were tightly gripped and intertwined with Craigs.

I looked up at him and he had his eyes shut, he looked like he was trying to stay calm as best he could. His grip on my hand slightly got stronger and a small smile fell on my face, Craig tries to be so tough yet here he is.

Holding my hand, The 'spazzed' out kid. Everyday, I fall a little more for this boy, and I think I can live with this wonderful feeling a little longer.


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