Chapter 9

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FRIDAY, May 5th ( longer chapter.)

That was an awkward talk earlier but I really have to calm myself down because Craig was so close to me!!
Kenny took Craig into the backyard, probably to apologize about the whole 'break-up' situation, I just hope he doesn't rat me out.. Kennys a good friend.

Meanwhile, Butters and I were laughing about how Kenny went sledding with him once and Kenny tried to do a front-flip which.. I think you can see where that led. Long story short he got stuck in a tree, they also went into the woods where Kenny got chased by a bear.

The stories were a little traumatic but funny? I was waiting for the day that I could take my loved one to all these fun places so we could have some sweet memories.

Stan ran up to us while tripping on someones foot. "HeyYy GuYs..! Drink some of this punch!" Me and Butters looked at it suspiciously and then at each other. "Whats in it?" I asked Stan, I don't trust this..
"PURE FUEL!! ITS GOOD" He yelled in our faces and shoved it in my hands.

"GAH!" I shook when Stan ran away, I saw Kyle chasing after him. What 'fun' they're getting into I guess? "Should we try it? How many times do you get to go to a party like this right?" I asked Butters and he shrugged.

"I guess if Kenny can do it, we can too." He didn't sound like he believed in himself that much. I gave him one of the cups and we hit both of them together lightly for a 'cheers' moment before downing them both. I stuck my tongue out and Butters looked like he didn't really care "yuck, it tastes nasty" It really did.

"Maybe we just have to get used to it?" Usually Butters is the reasonable one but maybe all of this drinking would be good for him right now. South park brings a lot of pain for anyone. We went into the kitchen to drink a few more cups.

"Only a few wouldn't hurt right?" I nodded, I don't think thats right though. We drank around 2 more cups before we heard yelling in the living room, I saw Craig come into the kitchen and look around before his eyes stopped to me, it made me slightly blush. Was he looking for me?

"Tweek. Everyones leaving real quick to toilet paper Mr. Garrisons house! Lets go" He grabbed my wrist, What? "Mr. Garrison, our elementary teacher??" Who cares about him? He was really stupid but still.

"It'll be fun Tweek! Half of everyones already gone come on!!" He tugged playfully on me which made me tempted to go. "I.. I don't know. I don't wanna get in trouble!" Kenny had already picked up Butters over his shoulder while basically dragging him into the whole event.

"Please! Lets go" Peer pressure!! "Uhh.. okay fine. I guess- GAH!!" I yelped as Craig picked me up so quickly on his shoulders. My hands were clinging on his hair as my legs were around his shoulders "CRAIG NO GET ME DOWN. IM GOING TO FALL!" I was shaking, I hated being carried this way.. ESPECIALLY WHEN HE WAS RUNNING

"Relax Tweek! You're okay!" He kept running and I was gripping on his hair so hard like I used to pull my hair in elementary. "Tweek. Stop pulling so hard! You're gonna make me go bald!" I tried to loosen my grip but I was afraid of falling backwards so I wrapped my arms around his neck but more near his chest.

We finally caught up to the whole party group and Mr. Garrisons house looked like it was bleached completely white!! "O-okay Craig. Put me ACK- down!" I felt so shook. He finally took me off but held me bridal style in his arms.

I know it looked like I was enjoying this because my arms were clinging to his shoulders and neck, but I swear I was not! maybe a little.. But it was terrifying! "C-Craig. Get me down" He didn't respond he just walked toward a fort of random rolls of toilet paper, he picked one up and let me down.

"Here, throw one!" He gave it to me, I shook my head violently. "No wa-ay! I don't wanna get in trouble!" He laughed and I felt a little annoyed. "You're already here so you might as well!~" I guess he's right, since I'm here then that means I'll be in trouble either way. I grabbed it from him with my shaky hands.

"Here goes nothing" I shut my eyes and threw it as high as I could over his house, When I opened my eyes it went over! "Good arm! Now watch a pro." Craig smirked and threw the paper as far as he could.

It went past 2 feet, into the ground. I giggled as he frowned with a small groan. "Yeah, you're a real pro alright" I started to laugh "Shut up!" He said even though I saw him trying not to smile. "Aww you're hiding a smilee?" I saw him lightly blush from my teasing.

I laughed more and he chuckled awkardly. I was about to throw another roll until I heard a noise in the distance, was it a car alarm? No.. it was.. wait. OH CRAP THE POLICE! "SHIT THE POLICE ARE COMING NO ACK- NO NO" I started panicking and everyone immediately ran and headed into the forest.

"CRAP CRAP CRAP" I was hyperventilating until I got shoved and picked up from Craig. He made a run for it with me on his back, Where would we go?! They were almost here! Who called them anyways??

I kept hyperventilating until Craig made a turn into a bush, I heard the Sirens faint because we were far enough away. Craig put a hand on my mouth and I stopped breathing until I started to breathe with my nose "Hey, calm down. We're alright okay? Nothing bad happened to us" He tried to reassure me so I started to take deep breaths.

I was laying with my back on Craig while he softly played with my hair. After a few minutes I had calmed down with my breathing to sound normal "There. Feel better?" I nodded as I looked up into the night sky. Craig slowly stood up and I sat upwards.

"Wanna get back to the party? Its probably empty but lets just see" He gave me a soft smile with his hand out for me to reach. I somewhat smiled at him as I grabbed his hand, making him pull me up. We walked back which took about 3-5 minutes.

"This place looks like a mess. I guess it always does but now it really does" Craig said looking at Kennys house. We walked into the left opened door and it was completely empty.

"Wow, everyone really lef- theres two passed out people there" I pointed and Tweek gasped a little. I grabbed Tweeks wrist again and led him to the kitchen "lets drink this whole thing" He shook his head. "Come onnn it'll be fun! If you don't drink half then I'll be drinking all of it"

He looked at the punch as if it were an infection. "Fine" he sighed and grabbed a cup, I whacked it out of his hand and he looked at me surprised. "Who needs cups" I grabbed the bowl and started chugging half of it, "NO CRAIG STOP. Don't drink too much!!" I heard Tweek shout as I kept drinking, I stopped to give him some, it was only a quarter left though.

"Craig! Seriously?!" I laughed and passed it to him. "A sip won't hurt" I tried to convince him and he gave me a sarcastic look knowing it wasn't going to be just a 'sip.' Tweek grabbed the bowl and drank it slowly upwards, I stared at him because he was drinking it realllllly slowlyyy..

His neck looked really nice when its not covered by his clothing or hair, I wondered what would happen if we were to have a one-night stand..- THATS WEIRD! I know! But its just my thoughts, no one else can hear them!

My head started to lightly hurt, was I getting side-effects already? Jeez what was even in that punch?! I noticed Tweek stopped drinking the punch but he had some still on his face that dripped from his chin near his neck.

"You have something there" I pointed it out and leaned closer to him "Where?!" He tried to show me different spots and I smiled. When I got close enough I wiped it with my thumb on his chin and then licked it, Tweek pushed me away.

"EW CRAIG! W-WHY'RE YOU LICKING ME?!" He looked so flustered, it was soo cute. "You still have p-punch on you.." my words were a little scattered, I got closer and lifted his chin. I put my mouth close to the top of his neck and licked the spot there, I saw Tweek shiver from the touch.

I got it off but I didn't move away. Instead, I put my lips on the same spot and gave him a hickey.

"Craig! What're you doing?!" I pushed him away again even though I liked the feeling. "I was getting it off" He said while his words slurred, "By giving me hickeys?!" I was blushing so red, I could tell.

Craig chuckled and leaned again but I put my hand in his face. I wasn't going to make out with him when his thoughts are scrambled, I'd prefer him to be sober. I felt the alcohol affect me but I wasn't full on drunk like him.


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