Chapter 7

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Tuesday, may 2nd


I thought about sleeping in my bed all day trying to not think about my ex. I didn't even like her, well I liked her, she also added to my popularity but how could she do such a thing! I'm glad Tweek came over to my house because the whole 'staying in bed' thing was not working.

At Starks pond, Everyone was dancing, drinking alcohol, skating or just talking, it was pretty relaxing. I was sitting with Tolkien, Clyde, Jimmy and Tweek. I don't wanna be rude but Tweek was really. Close to me. I could feel our shoulders touching as we were speaking to our friends, should I say something?

Tweek has some personality. He's nice and his random spazzing out is pretty funny, he's always trying to be there for me- does he like me? Well, I could name a few reasons why..

1. He tries to get on my good side
2. He's nice....too nice.
3. He's really close to me right now and refuses to move, I mean we've been in the same spot the whole time.
4. When I tried to get up he would stop me and ask all about it.

I mean, who wouldn't love me? I'm pretty cool, I may be a little over confident but these facts are real!! I glanced at Tweek from the side, he was laughing at some dumb thing Clyde said to Tolkien. His laugh was kind of cute.

I shrugged it off, I could be wrong which I usually am about things like this. Maybe I could try stuff later? Something flirty? Eh, thats trying too hard.

Why would I want to try so hard for a spaz that may or may not like me?

Wednesday, May 3rd

Class was so boring, I was waiting for lunch to appear just so I could eat my troubles away. All day Craig wouldn't shut the fuck up about Annie. I love Craig and all but hearing all of that was such a pain..

I could not sit with him if I had to hear all of that again. Ring ring
FINALLY! The bell for lunch had rung and everyone was rushing out of their classes. I literally pushed people out of the way to get to the line first because I was way too tired to have MYSELF pushed instead.

I grabbed my food and sat at Craigs usual table. "Yoo Tweek! You're here early?" Clyde greeted me and sat across from me, I smiled and waved at him. "I was way too hungry to be late" I simply said as I dug into my food. After around 10 minutes I finished before all 4 of them.

"Guys, I think Annie likes me again. Should I try" I heard Craig speak. I'm going to bang my head against the wall. "Why would you wanna go back to that whore?" I said quietly but I don't think quiet enough. "What? What'd you say Tweek?" He looked at me and I could tell he heard my exact words with his confused but kind of upset face.

"Hm? Nothing" I said without staring at him. "No, if you wanna say something negative about her say it to me. Shes a what?" Now he's getting on my last nerves. "Nothing" I'm about to just get up and leave

"Spit it out spaz." That one got me. "I said Annie Knitts is a fucking whore. I don't know why you're going back to her-" WHACK.

I got hit to the ground while falling on my ass. I put a hand to my cheek where Craig had socked me. The feeling stung but after what he just called me? I don't care if I like him or not.

"Don't talk about her like that" Craig had a blank stare with slight annoyance. I stood up and punched him in the eye. "Don't call me a Spaz." I can see where this was going and my anger right now was all for it.

Craig quickly got up and punched me again in the face and I kicked him in the stomach. He bent down with a groan but shortly got up and tackled me to the ground, I fell with an 'AACK' sound as my back hit the cafeteria floor.

People were screaming 'FIGHT FIGHT' All around the room, some rooting for Craig and some even rooting for me. I saw Clyde and Tolkien try to pull us off but we shook them away and continued fighting.

Craig punched me again and again, my eyes and lip felt sore. My vision was starting to get fuzzy. I kicked him in the crotch and got on top of him while he yelled 'FUCK' in pain. I had my legs tangled on his waist and punched him in the eye, cheek and forehead. Just anywhere that I could.

If I was being completely honest, I wasn't fighting him just because he called me a Spaz. I was just getting some anger out from other people bullying me or doing shit that made me mad. But it was kind of amusing to see The Craig, Fucking Tucker. Be the one getting beaten up by me.

I kept punching him and gave him a bloody nose until instead of punching me, Craig just pushed my forehead roughly to make me fall back. Before I could fall, Craig flipped me around and pinned me to the floor, my cheek pressed against it. He had his legs around my legs so I couldn't move and his left hand on my shoulder to keep me down.

I could barely move because he had grabbed both of my hands in the process with his right hand, we were both panting from all the fighting and being tired.

I really was not expecting today. Not to fight the one guy I actually took a liking too, NOT IN THAT WAY. But Tweek wouldn't stop! I was actually quite surprised on how good of a fighter he was. We were both panting and trying to take a good deep breathe.

After being stopped for a few seconds everyone kept chanting 'COME ON DO SOMETHING' 'FIGHT AGAIN!!' It was getting really annoying. I looked at Tweek and he didn't look at me, I was really pissed at him until he looked at me. The eye contact caught me by surprise and I could feel myself blush and pause for a moment.

He looked at me with a confused face, was the blush noticeable? We stared at each other for a few seconds before I felt a big tug on the back of mine and Tweeks collar, Tolkien grabbed me while Clyde grabbed Tweek to stop us from fighting.

I don't know why my mind just went blank because once we made eye contact its like time slowed down. His face looked so cute in its confused innocent way, I guess its weird to think he looked cute in THAT state. But I was starting to calm down until The principal called me and Tweek to his office, this is gonna take a while.
It actually only took about 20 minutes, with a call from each of our parents but turns out we're suspended until Monday. To me, thats a reward. To my parents? Its hell. Me and Tweek walked out of the room silently, Something changed in me after I saw him like that.

I blushed lightly not knowing what to say but Tweek just walked away instead of talking to me. What an ass! I guess it made sense, but we took the same way home so it got awkward.. I didn't even realize his house was across from mine until now!


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