Chapter 1 - 10

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Title 重回末世前夕,我嘎嘎囤货百亿 Back on the eve of the end of the world, I hoarded tens of billions of goods
Author 颜妃暄

Typhoons, storms, floods, insect plagues, viruses, extreme cold, extreme heat, earthquakes, acid rain, dense fog, extreme daylight, eternal night...

Natural disasters come one after another, animals and plants mutate one after another, civilization is destroyed and the order collapses, and human beings seek to survive in the cracks. Survive.

Lu Xingtang struggled to survive for seven years in the apocalypse, and was finally betrayed by her vicious family and died in Yong Ye.

Reborn three months before the outbreak of the apocalypse, Lu Xingtang seized the opportunity and used the space to start a crazy stockpiling mode.

Vegetables, fruits, clothes, medicines, weapons, crazy buying, buying, hoarding. Revenge with revenge, repay kindness with kindness, and start a different end-time life.

  Chapter 1 Lu Xingtang purchased with zero yuan

  was reborn. She died in the seventh year of the apocalypse. After the eruption of the apocalyptic eternal night, her father Song Youwei gave her to Twolegs for ten catties of food, and she was eaten to death. After that, and now she returned to three months before the outbreak of the natural disaster in the last days.

  In her memory, the end of the world will come on May 1st. A super typhoon landed in the imperial capital. Before the typhoon subsided, a huge storm followed and stayed in the imperial capital for two months, flooding the entire imperial capital. Without water and electricity, and lack of clothing and food, countless people lost their lives and homes.

  Then pests and viruses came one after another, and human beings just adapted to the oppression of natural disasters, followed by extreme cold, extreme heat, earthquakes, acid rain, dense fog, extreme day, eternal night...crazily destroying the shelters and living materials that humans have finally built. The shortage, the variation of animals and plants, and the ravages of natural disasters are appalling.

  What's even more frightening is that after the collapse of laws and morality, people no longer hide their nature, and things like changing sons and eating bones to cook happen everywhere.

  Now she is back, with all the hatred for her biological father Song Youwei, and at this moment, her stepmother Dong Yazhi is pointing at her nose, warning her not to rob Song Yingyu of her stepsister's man.

  When Lu Xingtang was three years old, his mother died in a car accident. Song Youwei married Dong Yazhi with her mother's death compensation. From then on, she lived in the orphanage until she was brought back by Song Youwei when she was seven years old.

  Because Song Yingwei suffered from a rare blood disease since birth, and the rare panda blood, in addition to treating Song Yingwei, he had to have a blood transfusion once a month, which was unaffordable for Song Youwei, who had just started his career.

  That's why this disgusting couple brought her back, who also has panda blood, to serve as a free blood bank for Song Yingwei.

  When the apocalypse broke out in the previous life, the Song family was robbed by survivors, and the family of three had nowhere to go, and then they targeted her, asking her to raise them, and often kidnapping her with the grace of nurturing.

  At that time, her head was also filled with iron. She wanted to get the approval of her biological father, Song Youwei, and went out by herself to find supplies, and raised them for nothing.

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