Chapter 141 - 150

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  Chapter 141 Going
  Home Ji Yanmo and Lu Xingtang felt that what Su Cheng said made sense, so they seemed to leave, but actually hid in the dark to observe the internal situation of the base.

  They squatted for another month, which made them realize that there were indeed some people who were restless. They told Su Cheng, and Su Cheng solved them overnight and did not give them a chance to escape.

  Lu Xingtang was worried that there were still people who were dishonest, so they squatted secretly for another half a month. This time, it was all small troubles, and they all made a list for Su Cheng. Su Cheng would let people keep an eye on them, lest they do any harm. base thing.

  This time, Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo were really about to leave the base. Su Cheng drove them off and gave them a lot of supplies.

  Lu Xingtang and the others had already told Su Cheng about their residence in Qing'an Peak, and asked Su Cheng to keep it a secret. If something happened, let them set off fireworks at the base, and they would rush to the base as soon as possible.

  After sending it to the foot of Qing'an Peak, Lu Xingtang refused to let Su Cheng send it any further, and told Su Cheng to go back home. Su Cheng memorized the route and didn't force it.

  "Su Cheng, I put your sister's ashes in your office! You..." Before Lu Xingtang finished speaking, Su Cheng knelt down and kowtowed to Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo: "Thank you...

  " It is to help him avenge, to help him hide his sister's ashes, and to give him the Ssangyong base to help him rectify and control it.

  Countless kowtows can't offset their kindness.

  "Su Cheng!" Lu Xingtang said with a cold face: "We all know your gratitude, there is no need for this, and we don't want to see you like this! We are allies, hello, we are all good! So, you have to bring Grandpa Su and Su My sister's share is alive!"

  Su Cheng smiled: "Don't worry, I'm not that fragile, I will be fine, and you will be fine too."

  Watching Su Cheng leave, after seeing the shadow of the car, the two took Take out the telescope to observe the surroundings, make sure there is no one there, put the supplies into the space, and return to Qing'an Peak.

  After leaving for two months, weeds and trees grew up on the mountain of Qing'an Peak. After climbing halfway up the mountain with difficulty, the two took out sickles and axes to clear the mountain road, and collected the cut wild trees and weeds. The space is left, and it will be used for cooking next time.

  Back to their home where they had been away for more than two months, the vegetables were all dry and yellow, and the wild trees and weeds around the house had grown up. Seeing the lush weeds and wild trees, Lu Xingtang and the others would spend the next few days Everyone is busy.

  The two did not clean the house immediately, but took out insecticide or insect repellent powder, sprayed and sprinkled it around the wooden house, worried that they would be occupied by snakes, rats and ants after two months of absence. nest.

  After a while, Ji Yanmo pushed open the door and saw that the spider webs were scattered, and the wooden floor or walls were covered with dust. Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo put on masks and gloves, and took out new brooms to remove the spider webs on the wall. Sweep away, take out the rag and water and start wiping the furniture and floor.

  Two worked faster than one, and they cleaned the house out before dark.

  Then, all the furniture that was put into the space was taken out and arranged one by one. The two went back to their own rooms, took out the bed and bedding, put them in order, and took out the wardrobe in the room.

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