Chapter 381 - 390

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Table of contents
set up
dark night
  Chapter 381 Feeding once a day

  Lu Xingtang arranged for everyone to take good care of them, then left the space, found two pilots who were familiar with the terrain of the beautiful country, and asked them to help fly the plane, "You can just be responsible for flying the plane, we will let you go wherever Where to go, your questions, the President will tell you! Also, I hope you understand one thing, only the dead can keep secrets! If you don’t want to die, keep your mouth shut!" The two pilots nodded immediately: "

  We We will definitely keep the secret! We will never ask or tell anything! We swear on our own lives!"

  With someone to help fly the plane, Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo focused on collecting supplies for the beautiful country, no matter what Resources, as long as they see them, as long as they have the energy to collect supplies, they will be taken away, leaving not a hair for the beautiful people.

  However, they also discovered that even if things happened in Tusia and Portland one after another, the beautiful people did not give up on dealing with the Namibian country. After Jeffrey Pitt returned to St. Louis, he organized soldiers to launch an attack on the Namibian country, in case something happened. In order to solve the problem, we specially took a detour from Chicago and headed towards the United Kingdom from the Mississippi River.

  After Lu Xingtang learned about this, they followed behind quietly without saying anything. On a dark and windy night, while the soldiers of Liang country were napping, they quietly and silently looted Liang country's military supplies, guns and ammunition, vehicles and aircraft. As well as food and clothing, all were confiscated.

  After looting, they turned back, looted supplies in Toronto, Chicago, and Boston, and dropped atomic bombs. After destroying Toronto, Chicago, and Boston, they came to St. Louis.

  Jeffrey Pitt had just returned to St. Louis from Washington. Lu Xingtang and Lu Xingtang did not know that Jeffrey Pitt had been away for a while and then came back. After they entered St. Louis, they quickly found the location of Jeffrey Pitt. .

  The President and 500 other people have been rescued, but the injuries on his body are too serious. He will have to lie in bed for at least half a month to fully recover, which will take at least three months.

  After Lu Xingtang determined the location of Jeffrey Pitt, Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo entered Jeffrey Pitt's presidential mansion.

  The Presidential Residence was protected by a hundred beautiful soldiers standing guard or patrolling. It could be said that not even a fly could fly in. However, Lu Xingtang kept a close eye on them for a while. Unexpectedly, he was lucky enough to see them changing shifts, so Lu Xingtang took advantage of them while they were changing shifts. , Lu Xingtang entered the space, and Ji Yanmo slipped into the mansion with the space. After entering the mansion, Ji Yanmo destroyed all obstacles and released Lu Xingtang from the space. Then they cleared away all the materials in the mansion, including household appliances.

  After finishing scraping, they went to Jeffrey Pitt's study. They openly looked through Liangguo's information and various documents in the study. They also saw many medical reports from all over Liangguo, as well as other documents. GJ's medical report, but when you see the marks on the medical report, you can tell how angry Jeffrey Pitt is. The paper is wrinkled.

  "Jeffrey Pitt has worked hard for so many years, hoping to find a way to make him immortal, and has killed so many innocent survivors, but he still hasn't found it! We must destroy the medical research in this beautiful country to prevent more The survivors were brutally murdered!"

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