Chapter 31 - 40

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  Chapter 31 Cleaning Up 1904
  "With a gun, our status will be elevated. Who would dare to underestimate our brothers at that time!"

  Su Cheng was forced to shoot, thinking that he would scare the two brothers away, but he didn't expect that not only did he not scare them away, but also let them go. The two became even more excited. If he hadn't been a policeman and received professional training, he wouldn't be able to take down these two brothers.

  Directly aimed at their foreheads, one shot at each, and the two died on the spot.

  Wu Ge was so frightened that he fainted on the spot. Song Youwei didn't faint, and he was not lightly frightened. He asked Song Youwei to help throw the two corpses from the corridor window and let the flood wash away.

  "I'm sorry to trouble you." Lu Xingtang felt a little guilty, "It won't happen again!"

  After the two burly men died, Su Cheng told Song Youwei to leave. As for Wu Ge? Ignore it! Let him lie on the ground and pass out!
  When he went out again, Wu Ge had disappeared, and he should have returned to 1904.

  Su Cheng said seriously: "Lu Xingtang, because your iron-blooded methods frightened the people in our unit building, so that people in the unit building did not dare to go up to the 19th floor to make trouble. My father can live a peaceful life for so long because of you! Besides, I called you before to ask you to help me take care of my dad, and you helped me take care of it without saying a word! Without your care, my dad might be gone! So, you don't need to feel guilty, let alone apologize. Moreover, the three of us are allies, and we will encounter more things in the future. If you really care about these things, it is easy to cause rift."

  Ji Yanmo made a concluding speech: "What Su Cheng said is what I want to say."

  Looking at 1904 closed tightly Lu Xingtang pondered for a moment: "I have gas welding, and I burned the door of their house!"

  Ji Yanmo: "I paid for gas cylinders and oxygen cylinders!"

  With gas welding alone, without gas cylinders and oxygen cylinders, it is impossible to burn the door Understand.

  Su Cheng: "...Then, I will do my best!"

  Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo turned around and went home, and took the gas welding, oxygen cylinders and gas cylinders to the door of 1904. Su Cheng and Ji Yanmo took the oxygen cylinders and gas cylinders aside, separated by five meters; then turned on the oxygen on the torch Valve, discharge the air in the torch hose for 1 second and then close;

  open the gas valve in the same way to deflate, hold the torch in the right hand, and the lighter in the left hand, the nozzle of the torch should be upward and outward, and the lighter should be tilted to ignite, so that the flame Ignite at about 0.5 cm above the nozzle, slowly unscrew the fuel valve with your right hand, and the nozzle starts to burn.

  Lu Xingtang had never seen anyone use gas welding before, and the first time he saw it, it was an eye-opener: "Su Cheng, I didn't expect that you are very good!"

  Su Cheng said while adjusting the flame, "There are specially trained ones, sometimes You will encounter various situations. If you don’t know how to protect your home and country!” After speaking, the adjustment has been completed, and the flame is aimed at the lock of the 1904 anti-theft door.

  Lu Xingtang knocked on the door and said loudly: "Wu family, if you don't open the door, it will be too late!" The Wu

  family was trembling with fright, especially Wu Ge, who was not only scared, but also criticized by his family: "Wu Ge, everyone It's you! If you didn't insist on provoking people from 1901, 1902, and 1903, our family wouldn't be bullied by them? It's fine if you don't behave normally, but at this juncture, you still don't behave! Didn't you see In 1901, that woman has a gun in her hand? You are not afraid of death, are we not? If you are told to go out to find supplies, you don’t want to do it. You insist on hiding at home and eating ready-made ones. Now that the trouble is coming, why don’t you go out and solve it!” Angrily scolded

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