Chapter 131 - 140

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  Chapter 131 You Ruined My Hopes

  She Doesn't Know Lan Suxin! No matter in the previous life or in this life, I have never seen this person, so why did the old man ask her to kill her? I would rather kill the wrong one than miss it!
  Lu Xingtang walked towards Lan Suxin, before Lan Suxin found out, he grabbed Lan Suxin by the throat.

  Lan Suxin is not a vegetarian either, she reacted very quickly, and immediately scuffled with Lu Xingtang, but how could Ji Yanmo watch other people bully his woman? Therefore, the lightning-type ability quickly attacked and attacked Lan Suxin.

  Lan Suxin was attacked by a supernatural ability, and she screamed in pain. Her body trembled suddenly, and she fell into a weak position instantly. She was pressed to the ground by Lu Xingtang and beat her violently, and stabbed Lan Suxin in the chest with a saber.

  "Lu Xingtang, is it you?" Lan Suxin came back to her senses, she didn't have any grudges with anyone, the so-called grudges were all with Lu Xingtang!
  Lu Xingtang sneered: "It's me, Lan Suxin!"

  Seeing this, Ji Yanmo drove everyone from the scientific research building downstairs.

  Although scientific researchers are smart and capable, they are indeed powerful in scientific research, but they are very timid and dare not go outside to see the world. They just want to live in a scientific research building and do research non-stop.

  So under the threat of Ji Yanmo, they left the scientific research room very obediently, went downstairs, locked them in a room with only one door, and Su Cheng stared at them.

  Then turned around and guarded Lu Xingtang.

  Lan Suxin didn't expect Lu Xingtang to know her existence? She also took the initiative to deliver it to her door. What happened to her?
  "Tangtang, I'm my sister! I'm your sister!" Lan Suxin looked at Lu Xingtang tentatively, trying to see through Lu Xingtang, "Let go of me, my sister has a lot to say to you." But

  she The index finger of his right hand lightly rubbed the emerald ring on his thumb, and a strange flash appeared in his black eyes.

  Lu Xingtang just caught it, and a saber appeared in Lu Xingtang's hand clasping her neck, trying to wipe her neck. But Lan Suxin was very prepared. At the moment Lu Xingtang struck, she held back the severe pain in her chest and grabbed Lu Xingtang with all her strength to avoid the blow. Afterwards, the two quickly fought together.

  Fortunately, in the past few years, I have been training with Ji Yanmo, and I have been practicing against each other every day, and my strength has increased. Otherwise, I would not be Lan Suxin's opponent. The same, two people must die one to give up.

  Ji Yanmo knew Lu Xingtang's strength, but when he saw Lan Suxin's vicious moves, he immediately used the lightning power to attack Lan Suxin.

  Lan Suxin screamed in pain, Lu Xingtang immediately took out the Tang knife from the space, and cut off Lan Suxin's hands and feet.

  Seeing Lan Suxin fell to the ground in pain, Lu Xingtang walked over, and the Tang knife pierced her lower abdomen: "Lan Suxin, in fact, I don't care about your background, why you want to kill me, and even knowing my secret. I'm not curious at all! As long as you're dead, I'll be safe!"

  The pistol suddenly appeared in the palm of her hand, pointed at Lan Suxin, and pulled the trigger: "Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I have something to say!" Lan Suxin scared.

  boom! Fired a shot! Lan Suxin wanted to move her hand, but the moment she moved, she realized that her hand was cut off.

  "Lu Xingtang, I'm your older sister! I'm really your older sister. You and your mother have the same surname, and I also have my mother's last name. Both our fathers are Song Youwei!" Lu Xingtang sneered, and looked at Lan Suxin

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