Chapter 251 - 260

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  Chapter 251 The space has been upgraded again
  After resting in the space for a day, they went to Area A.

  After arriving in Area A, Lu Xingtang did not act rashly, and continued to configure poison in the space, drawing gourds according to the ladle, and using poison to deal with the people in Area A. Worried that this method would not work, he also prepared a large amount of heavy drugs.

  After the poison and drug were prepared, Lu Xingtang and the others first threw the poison into the freshwater well and freshwater reservoir, and then mixed into the canteen kitchen to poison the food.

  I didn't expect it to be successful. It may be that the Sang people were very confident in their defense and safety, so they all died in the hands of poison.

  The materials in Area A are richer than those in Areas B, C, and D, and there are sufficient types, especially the military materials that shocked Lu Xingtang. Lu Xingtang was very happy to receive it. With everyone's efforts, It took them ten days to collect all the materials in Area A, and even found a hidden treasure house, which was not in Area A, but on another island, which was full of materials stored by Sang Guo. The amount of materials was higher than that of A and Fu. Jiangdao still has a lot of supplies.

  He even collected 30 tons of unprocessed gold, 20 tons of silver, 20 tons of gold, silver and jewelry, and tens of thousands of other GJ treasures, all of which Lu Xingtang collected into the space.

  The space has been upgraded again, the black land has increased to 1 million mu, the number of warehouses has increased to 300, the area of ​​the grassland has increased by one city, and the mountains have increased by 30. The space villas are exactly the same, but two have been added, and now there are three villas. A medical school has been added, which is as big as the Imperial Medical College, just next to the hospital.

  A sea area and a port were also added. The sea area is not particularly large, and the sea water is very salty, which is suitable for living creatures in the sea. Lu Xingtang decided to fish a batch of seafood from the sea and throw it into the space sea area. Lu Xingtang moved all the ships and wharfs he had stockpiled to dock at the port. Including the cruise ship that was received in the port city before, also stopped at the port wharf.

  The other buildings in the space have not changed, but the Blue Star Heart Tree has become more luxuriant and thicker. Lu Xingtang checked the annual rings, and there are already 500 rings, which is 500 years old. As the space expands, it also grows.

  What if the space stopped expanding? what will happen to it
  Lu Xingtang and the others rested on this treasure island for three days, while Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo sorted out the supplies in the space while resting. This time, they hoarded too many supplies, enough for their country H to restore half of its national strength. How many were created.

  Lu Xingtang released the cruise ship contentedly, studied the route back to Country H with Su Cheng and others, and planned to cross the East China Sea and return to Shanghai City. No matter whether the situation in Shanghai City is good or not, they only want to take this route, and only this route is the closest of.

  After confirming the route, they headed towards the border of Luo country. The sea surface was very stable, and everyone was already proficient in driving the ship, so there was no need for Ji Yanmo to keep an eye on everyone, so he salvaged seafood together with Lu Xingtang and others, filling the sea area of ​​space with seafood. The sea of ​​space is empty, without any living things.

  Ji Yanmo used his abilities to collect a lot of seafood and send them into the space to enrich the sea creatures in the space.

  Lu Xingtang's consciousness is sorting out supplies in the space, busy in the black soil, busy in the pig farm...

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