Chapter 111 - 120

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  Chapter 111 Misfortune Comes from the Sky

  After walking and stopping for a long time, they finally found an empty space, "If there is no one nearby, we will take out the plane and fly away from the imperial capital!" After waiting in the

  space for eight hours In time, Ji Yanmo was already proficient at flying the plane, and flew the plane around Lu Xingtang's space several times, taking everything in the space into his eyes.

  At that time, Lu Xingtang was solemnly instructed not to reveal the secrets of the space. She has a large space and a lot of supplies, and anyone will covet it, even GJ is not immune.

  Lu Xingtang understood the seriousness of the consequences, "I will protect my own space, and so will you! Let's cover each other up!" The two thought they could

  leave the imperial capital by plane, but they didn't want to take out their binoculars to look around and see a team of soldiers holding Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo hid immediately and kept a distance from them as they searched and rescued in the ruins with their dogs.

  They soiled their clothes and made each other look ashamed. It was extremely embarrassing, but it was still easy to make people suspicious. Lu Xingtang was silent for a moment, took out waterproof and sweatproof cosmetics, tore up the clothes, and drew a few lines on the rotten clothes. a terrible wound.

  They even slaughtered a chicken and stained their clothes red with chicken blood, especially where the wound was, it was bloody.

  After confirming that there was no problem with each other, they found a relatively safe ruin and got in. Ji Yanmo used his ability to place two or three ruined walls on them, which looked very dangerous.

  But the two only felt the scalding heat coming from the wall and the ground, and they were not hit by the waste wall, because Ji Yanmo's lightning power is so powerful that he can use it according to his will.

  "Are you okay?" Ji Yanmo lay beside Lu Xingtang, most of his body blocked the waste wall, letting Lu Xingtang relax a bit.

  Lu Xingtang: "You can call someone now."

  Sorry! We didn't want to expose the space, so we made such a bad move, wasting manpower and material resources.

  "Is there anyone, help!" They shouted weakly, as if they were seriously injured and dying: "Help!"

  Soon their voices attracted the attention of the military, and the military dogs moved in their direction Yelling, waiting for about ten minutes, they waited for the rescue of the soldiers.

  Looking at the selfless dedication of the tanned and peeling soldiers, Lu Xingtang felt even more guilty, especially when he saw them remove the wall that was pressing on them, his hands were scalded with blood blisters, and the blood blisters instantly deflated. Bubbles and a lot of blood.

  Including the military dog, which made its tongue stick out long and kept breathing, but it still paid attention to their situation.

  It was as if a big rock had fallen in his heart: "Thank you for your hard work, I'm sorry for hurting you." "

  Don't be afraid, we will rescue you right away!"

  Under the rescue of the soldiers, they quickly escaped from the 'danger', They were sent to the emergency shelter and handed over to the doctor in the shelter. They also dealt with it briefly and continued to search for survivors.

  Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo kept thanking them for saving them. They told Lu Xingtang that someone would send them away from the imperial capital soon. Jicheng officials had allocated a piece of land to the refugees in the imperial capital. After the imperial capital resumed construction, they could return to the capital. imperial capital.

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