Chapter 311 - 320

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Chapter 311 Killing Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo

  After the survivors dispersed, Ji Yanmo told Lu Xingtang in a low voice: "They went to another reservoir!"

  All the survivors searched for a long distance but failed to find anyone, and they all came back dejectedly. I can’t find it, maybe people have left long ago. I remember that there are two reservoirs in this county, right?

  Let ’s go to another reservoir to see, if there is water in that reservoir, clean water, we will fight back to the base!” When the base was established, everyone came to this county to look for supplies. Everyone knows that there are two reservoirs in this county. When Lu Xingtang proposed, everyone agreed. If water is found, everyone can spend a few days during the extreme heat. A comfortable day.

  So everyone braved the heat and high temperature and went to another reservoir. Before reaching the reservoir, they saw a group of people wrestling together. The scene was very intense. They immediately stopped and looked at the group of people. Someone said: "Base chief, deputy base chief, do you see this group of people familiar? I think they are the group who were kicked out of the base before! They are the group of men and women who harassed the top management and their relatives and friends! "

  Hey, it's them! They are in a mess right now. I didn't recognize them at first glance. Now that you say that, I understand why they look familiar! Director of the base, did they deliberately set fire to the mountain?" "Master of the

  base , There are too many of them, and so are we, together we will arrest them, send them back to the base, and deal with them according to the rules of the base! Apologize to all the survivors and soldiers who have worked so hard to put out the fire at the base, and let them pay for their actions!" Lu

  Xingtang Observe the surrounding environment, immediately disperse the survivors, and let everyone quietly surround them.

  Lu Xingtang watched the survivors disperse and quietly surrounded the group of people, then she and Ji Yanmo swaggered towards them, seeing them still wrestling, Lu Xingtang was speechless, their vigilance The sex is too bad, I just set a big fire, I don't know how to run farther, I don't know how to be vigilant around, I'm not afraid of them looking for me.

  "All our supplies were burned by the fire. Now we are tired and hungry. You don't go to find supplies to solve the problem of food, but you still blame us! It's all you, if it weren't for you who insisted on seducing people from the base management, we How could it be possible to be implicated by you and thrown out of the base? You scourges, bastards! See if I don’t kill you today, if you die, we will have meat to eat!” “Damn! Why are we going to seduce the

  management Didn’t you all instigate us? If you hadn’t instigated us, how could we have seduced others? You were kicked out of the base, and you were not wronged at all!” Lu Xingtang was very grateful to see them biting dogs

  . They were all expelled from the base, otherwise this group of black sheep would have some bad tricks to destroy the interior of the base and destroy the Lancheng base!
  "Besides, why were our supplies burned by the fire? Why didn't you put out the fire when the fire burned? Didn't you just want to retaliate against us? The result is good, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money!" "Damn it,

  you Say one more thing if you have the ability, I want your life!" Once again, they wrestled wildly.

  Lu Xingtang was speechless, she had already walked in front of them, and this group of people hadn't seen them yet, their brains were seriously ill.

  "Stop it!" Lu Xingtang yelled loudly: "Your account will be settled later, and now the head of the base will settle the account with you for setting fire to the mountain!" "

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