Chapter 361 - 370

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  Chapter 361 I'm Confused
  "Natural disasters happened again, but thank the natural disasters! If there were no natural disasters, we would have taken them down easily, it would be really not easy!"

  Then they killed the people of Liang and Na, but left Half of the people, because there are still many survivors in Luo country, need revenge, they killed the most dangerous ones, and left all the weak chickens, but they didn't give them the ability to escape and fight back, so they could only let them Luo country survivors slaughtered.

  Regarding their actions, Lu Xingtang and the others did not say anything. They felt that they should kill all these people quickly, otherwise they would be able to fight back. After all, there are still many survivors in Luo Guo who belonged to other GJs. They must quickly Solve it, give other GJ survivors a shock and tell them to be honest.

  Tosta has stabilized, and they don't want to get involved in Tosta's affairs, so the President and Luo Guo's people proposed to leave. Luo Guo's people thanked Lu Xingtang and the others for their help, and distributed some supplies to them: "It is really I'm sorry, we didn't protect the materials well, which caused our materials and your materials to disappear. We also looked for them, but we couldn't find them!
  These materials are not as good as those distributed to you before, and they have not reached the level of our cooperation. The amount of materials at the time of the agreement, but we have already written down the IOU and stamped it! When the materials of our country Luo are rich in the future, we will return the materials to you!" This time, not only their materials were lost, but also their country

  H The original supplies, planes and trucks, as well as their cherished giant pandas were all gone, and everyone felt very guilty about it.

  The President and others knew it well, and everyone just sighed helplessly: "What can I do if I can't find it? If you can't find it, you can't find it. But if you have transportation tools, please give us some so that we can leave. Go back to country H! Of course, we borrowed it, and we will return it to you in the future!" So

  the people of Luo country checked the supplies again, and found a plane, but the plane could not accommodate 500 people, it could only accommodate 300 people People, otherwise it would be overloaded.

  So they continued to search and found two planes with enough fuel for them to go back to Country H. They lent both planes to the President and the others.

  The President received the IOUs and supplies, as well as the plane, and left the city of Tosta after saying goodbye to them.

  After the plane left, they flew to the next location. They didn't fly to country H, but they flew around and made a show.

  Then they went to Ermes, which is adjacent to Kazakhstan, but Lu Xingtang and the others did not reach Erms completely, so they found a place and stopped the plane.

  The President said: "There are many people from the three countries in Tosta, and Ermes is next to Kazakhstan. There must be more Kazakhs staring at Ermes, so let's hide the plane, and everyone brings their own supplies. Wander around and check the situation? If you encounter survivors, you must be careful! Don’t fall into the hands of the devil!"

  When he said this, the President looked at the arrogant soldier intentionally or unintentionally, " You go to Erms to investigate the situation, this time, we will separate everyone, you go to Erms, we will check around Erms and the border of Kazakhstan, and finally, we will come back here to meet up!" His Excellency President told

  everyone The task was arranged and everyone was separated. The man accepted the task without noticing anything and separated with everyone.

  After everyone separated, they made sure to keep a distance from this person and came back. Ji Yanmo made sure that the person was really heading towards Ermes and didn't look back, so he took all the people who turned back into the space, "In the presence of the President Exposed, you already know my secrets, at least I have the secrets of space! Now there are a lot of jobs in the space, 500 of you, including the President, you are working in the black land of space and the space province Work, collect all the grain and put it in the warehouse!"

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