Chapter 41 - 50

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  Chapter 41 Who is he?

  Fan Zhendan's position is very ingenious, he can advance, attack, retreat or run, even if there is a crowd of people, the corridor is so crowded that he can't stand up. As expected of the building manager, his ideas are extraordinary.

  "Lu Xingtang, you actually know me?" Fan Zhendan said with a smile on his face: "Then I still have to introduce myself, my name is Fan Zhendan, and I am the building manager of our unit building, just elected."

  Ji Yan Mo's gun moved to Fan Zhendan's body in an instant, and Fan Zhendan trembled in fright: "You misunderstood me, we didn't come to grab the 19th floor, but knocked for a long time and no one opened the door, and wanted to pry the door in to see what happened What's going on? You just came back, and you don't know that the rescue team is here, right? We will be transferred to the shelter tomorrow. I want to ask you if you want to go to the shelter. If you go, let's go together. Take care!"

  Lu Xingtang pointed his gun at Fan Zhendan's heart: "Then you will wait for us on Huangquan Road, and your father!" As soon as the words fell, the bullet flew into Fan Zhendan's heart at top speed, and seeing Fan Zhendan Lu Xingtang sneered, "I killed your father, you don't hate me, you don't want to seek revenge from me, but you want to take care of us! Do you think I will trust you?" Fan Zhendan was

  104 The resident, his father joined three other families to break into her door, but she and Ji Yanmo killed her instead.

  In the previous life, Fan Zhendan became the building leader after the people who went to the shelter came back and was elected. In this life, Fan Zhendan became the building leader when the rescue team first arrived. The first thing he did as the building leader was to instigate All ground floor residents grab the 19th floor.

  She didn't want to leave such a big hidden danger for herself, and she would be safe after removing the hidden danger.

  Immediately afterwards, bang bang...

  Gunshots resounded in the corridor one after another. All the people who came to pry the door on the 19th floor were dead. The bloody blood stained the corridor red, and screams of terror rushed into Lu Xingtang's room. For the eardrums, she didn't soften her heart at all, and Ji Yanmo didn't soften her heart either. In the last days, being soft-hearted is the biggest disaster for oneself!

  If they successfully occupy the 19th floor, they will be besieged by them when they come back without knowing it, and they will die by then!
  Lu Xingtang stood in a pool of blood and asked loudly: "Su Cheng, how is your father?"

  Su Cheng replied: "Don't worry, my father is fine!" The man's shot did not hit Su Hao. It was Wu Jin who pulled Su Hao and escaped the shot.

  Lu Xingtang heaved a sigh of relief, and together with Ji Yanmo, they threw the body downstairs. Seeing the people from 1904 standing aside shivering, Lu Xingtang understood that Fan Zhendan and the others were unsuccessful, and that 1904 had a part to play.

  "You clean up the corridor!" Ji Yanmo looked at the people in 1904 and said.

  Wu Jin immediately called his wife and children to go home to get mops, catch the rainwater, and take the time to tidy up.

  Su Cheng had already carried Su Hao home, Lu Xingtang followed him in, and gave Su Hao his pulse, "Su Cheng, don't worry, your father is fine." Su Cheng saw that the bottle of Su Hao Suxiao Jiuxin Pill was

  opened I knew it was all right, my father had expected this situation a long time ago, and the medicine was ready.

  After thinking for a while, Lu Xingtang said: "Su Cheng, your father needs someone to take care of you, so you stay and take care of them! I'll just go with Ji Yanmo to go fishing, and it will still be divided equally!" Su Cheng opened his mouth, wanting

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