Chapter 171 - 180

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  Chapter 171 Kidney Deficiency
  Unknowingly, Su Cheng was also dumbfounded when he saw the position of the sun. He remembered that when he came to Lu Xingtang's house, the position of the sun was there.

  Ji Yanmo looked at Su Cheng: "The scientific research team has not studied the weather conditions or natural disasters recently?"

  Su Cheng shook his head: "The scientific research building was damaged before, and many precision instruments were corroded by dense fog, so the weather test was not effective. , The situation is normal. The people in the scientific research team are hurrying up to repair it. As for when it will be repaired, it is not yet known." Looking at the sun, Su Cheng's face was not very good: "Could it be that a new natural disaster is coming?"

  Su Cheng couldn't sit still any longer, so he hurried back to the base, summoned the scientific research team, and asked them to test the situation of natural disasters. Then I took out all the watches or clocks that could be used in the base, and the time showed: 20:33.

  Seeing this time, Su Cheng immediately called a meeting of the management and showed them the time: "It's already 8:30 in the evening, the sky is still not dark, the position of the sun has not changed, the temperature..." He took Lu Xingtang and gave it to him before. His thermometer said, "39°, about the same time as noon."

  The people in the management: "!!!" It was not dark, and they had been working all the time, but they felt hungry, but no one noticed that it was already night , They often get busy and forget the time and forget to eat, and they are used to it. Today they themselves said, why are they hungry so fast, and the sky is not yet dark, but it turned out that it was already evening, but the sky was not dark, and the sun did not set.

  Su Cheng immediately said: "Hurry up and let the workers go home to rest, appease the people in the base, and don't let them panic! First, observe the weather conditions. If the sun does not set and the sky remains dark, remind everyone to pay attention to their health. There is a problem. Go to the base hospital immediately, don't delay! We don't know what the dawn will bring to us humans. At present, one thing is certain, the work and rest are chaotic!" The people in the management also thought of this, and they

  thought It's a little deeper than Ji Yanmo thought.

  The temperature of the blue star will continue to rise. Although it will not reach the point of being extremely hot, it will not make humans feel better. At the same time, animals and plants undergo huge mutations, and some creatures, including humans, will die on a large scale. Grain or fruit, medicinal materials, etc. will compress the ripening time.

  This allows them to stockpile a lot of supplies. The only worry now is that I don't know how long it will last before returning to normal! Or, the extreme day has passed, and the eternal night is coming.

  The polar day is when the sun never sets and the sky is always bright. Then eternal night is the opposite of polar day, the sun never comes out, and the sky is always dark.

  There is no 24-hour day and night cycle.

  If so, Polar Day is relatively safe. Yongye is the scariest thing.

  The management staff arranged the matter and told Su Cheng about the possible arrival of Yong Ye. Su Cheng's face suddenly became ugly: "We must stock up on supplies during the extreme daylight! Take precautions!" The

  base Nothing will happen during the extreme day, but it does not mean that after the arrival of the eternal night, it will not be targeted by survivors outside the base or survivors from other cities, evil forces, etc.

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