Chapter 81 - 90

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  Chapter 81 Ji Yanmo This is...

  Originally, Lu Xingtang planned to eat home-cooked food with rice and steamed buns at their house on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Ah, so we ate hot pot at Lu Xingtang's house on New Year's Day, and everyone found a lot of ingredients for this hot pot.

  On the second day of the new year, I ate home-cooked food at Ji Yanmo's house. Ji Yanmo was rich and powerful, so he didn't use plates to serve dishes, but soup bowls. Prepared six dishes, two braised fish, braised pork, white-cut chicken, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, vinegared cabbage, stewed beef with potatoes, steamed two pots of rice, and steamed two baskets of steamed buns with the help of Lu Xingtang.

  I went to Su Cheng’s house on the third day of the new year. They started preparing from the evening of the second day of the new year. Su Cheng’s cooking skills are very poor, but his skills in making dumplings are excellent. It took time to research the potato pork filling and potato beef filling. He made a few of them and tasted them, and they tasted pretty good.

  The wrapped dumplings were placed on the balcony, and they froze hard in half an hour.

  Because the three of Lu Xingtang eat a lot, they made a lot of dumplings.

  After the Chinese New Year, the three of Lu Xingtang and the others organized a group to go out again to look for supplies, because after the New Year, they had almost eaten all the supplies, so they had to hurry up to replenish supplies.

  It has been a full eight months since the outbreak of the extreme cold, and it is extremely difficult to find supplies outside. They can only go farther, and they can't even go home for several days. That is to say, they were lucky and found a food store Caves, rice, flour, noodles, as well as sweet potatoes and potatoes are available.

  I don't know who hid the food in the cave. Lu Xingtang and the others didn't take all of them away. Each of them only took one bag of rice, one bag of noodles, and five handfuls of noodles. They didn't take the potatoes. The cold-resistant potatoes at home will be available soon. After eating, some sweet potatoes were taken away, not for eating, but for saving seeds. Potato seedlings cannot be eaten, but sweet potato leaves are edible.

  Sending the supplies home, they didn't slack off, and continued to go out to find supplies, just...

  "Brother, two brothers, wait for me." Lu Xingtang turned his head and looked at the voice, and saw a woman with bare breasts walking towards them, her brows were tightly frowned, "Hurry up, we are being watched Come on."

  They walked quickly, and the woman followed quickly, "Brothers, don't run away, my sister has something to say to you two, turn your head and look at her, she is still very beautiful, Five catties of food at a time, and my sister promises to satisfy you."

  Seeing that she couldn't catch up with anyone, the woman yelled loudly: "My brothers, my sister can't help it. If my sister can find supplies, she won't humiliate herself like this! Please look at me For the sake of pity, help my sister! I beg you!"

  Su Cheng knows that in this world, everyone is in a difficult situation, but he still can't accept it when he sees someone exchanging himself for food. Maybe he is living a comfortable life , I don't know the real situation outside.

  "If you don't leave, I'll shoot!" Su Cheng took out the gun and fired at the woman's feet, scaring the woman into a scream, but she didn't run away and looked
  away Landing on Lu Xingtang, "little sister, you are also a woman, you see you followed them two, or you give me one. I just want to survive, I don't really want to snatch them from you, as long as you are willing to let me Give it to me, and I'll give you one catty of the five catties of grain you get, okay?"

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