Chapter 411 - 420

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Table of contents
set up
dark night
  Chapter 411 It's an honor to meet you.

  Lu Xingtang caressed his belly. Facing Ji Yanmo's worries and requests, he nodded: "Okay, from now on I will just take care of my baby and my body. I won't worry about anything in the base or natural disasters. When in danger, enter the space to protect yourself."

  Ji Yanmo's expression relaxed a little, "I vomited the food I just ate. I'll cook you some light meals later. No, I have to research a special meal for you. The recipe will keep you and the baby in your belly healthy, without morning sickness, and everything will be fine! Especially you!" If the child is gone, then it is gone. Lu Xingtang must be fine.

  Lu Xingtang smiled: "Ah Mo, don't worry, I'm fine!" After examination, it was found that the baby was already 6 weeks old. Although not every mother will experience morning sickness, she will not be afraid if it occurs and will take good care of herself.

  Ji Yanmo sent Lu Xingtang and his female classmate back to the space villa, letting Lu Xingtang rest in bed, and then sent the female classmate out of the space. The female classmate immediately left Lu Xingtang's house and told everyone the news of Lu Xingtang's pregnancy. Everyone was excited Lu Xingtang was happy.

  Ji Yanmo did not tell Su Cheng and others about Lu Xingtang's pregnancy with his female classmate, but because he was looking for pen and paper, he went out after the female classmate told Su Cheng and others the good news: "Tangtang is pregnant! "

  Su Cheng and the others stepped forward to congratulate Ji Yanmo for finally having a romantic relationship with Lu Xingtang, but Ji Yanmo didn't look very happy, which made their congratulations seem a bit embarrassing and quickly ended in silence.

  "Ah Mo, are you unhappy?" Su Cheng frowned and asked, is there another woman outside? Is that why he is unhappy about Tangtang getting him pregnant? !
  Ji Yanmo raised his dark eyes and said calmly: "Tangtang is 40 years old this year and is an advanced maternal age. I have no experience. Several of you are married and have children. You know how to take care of pregnant women and what you need to pay attention to. , especially doctors, you must know more than me, so I want to know how to take good care of Tangtang and how to take care of Tangtang's body. I hope that it will not only be taken care of physically, but also psychologically. I don't want any accidents to happen to Tangtang, I can't bear it! So, I want to ask you to give me some advice and give me appropriate advice!"

  Hearing Ji Yanmo's words, Su Cheng and others were relieved. It turned out that Caused by excessive worry, Su Cheng said: "Everyone's physique is different. Don't worry. I just heard that Tangtang started to have morning sickness. She started to have morning sickness at only six weeks. It's a bit early.

  Mine The suggestion is that we arrange pregnancy meals for Tangtang based on her physical condition. If morning sickness is severe, we should leave this to professional doctors for advice. Mental health also requires professional advice from them, but Tangtang has a strong heart. There will definitely be no depression during pregnancy, and if you love her so much, you will definitely pay attention to her words and deeds at all times!" Of course, if depression does occur during pregnancy, they will accompany Lu Xingtang and slowly comfort Lu Xingtang. Let Lu Xingtang come out quickly.

  Ji Yanmo nodded and said: "After you finish your work today, please write down your experience, especially the key points! I will read it carefully! If there is anything I don't understand, I will ask you. I hope you don't If you find me annoying, don't think I used the stupidest method!"

  Su Cheng and the others took the A4 paper, "Don't worry, we will write it and hand it over to you as soon as possible! We will go to work first, you can put Tangtang Come as soon as you've settled in. Don't let Tangtang get involved in the affairs of the base. Let Tangtang take a good rest!"

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