Chapter 401 - 410

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Table of contents
set up
dark night
Report an error
  Chapter 401 Fortunately
  , three days have passed. The patients have improved, but they have not been discharged from the hospital. They are still living in an isolation residence. Two of the medical teams have been disbanded, leaving only one to watch the patients. The other doctors and nurses are all Returned to his original job.

  Lu Xingtang stayed in the isolation residence to observe the patient's condition, and also discussed other diseases with the doctors. Everyone benefited a lot from discussing with each other.

  On December 1, Lu Xingtang found that the temperature had dropped. It was no longer around 63 degrees. When she woke up after a nap, she found that the temperature had dropped to 50 degrees. Also at noon on December 1, Lu Xingtang found that the sun, which had not moved for a long time, began to The sky is turning, and at this moment it means that the end of the day is over.

  Not only Lu Xingtang discovered it, but everyone in the base, including the entire country H, immediately started a new round of preparations to meet the next natural disaster challenge. The President also immediately sent people across the country to send supplies, recording Personnel safety situation.

  On the afternoon of December 1st, the sun set, and the daylight hours were completely over!

  On the afternoon of December 1, the temperature dropped to 45 degrees very quickly, dropping 18 degrees in one day. After the temperature dropped, everyone's hot and restless mood was relieved.

  To everyone's surprise, at eight o'clock that night, after everyone had had dinner and were turning on the air conditioners and fans, a burst of thunder and lightning suddenly roared in the night sky, and within a minute, it began to rain heavily.

  After the heavy rain fell, the sweltering heat suddenly eased, and a hint of coolness spread in the air. The survivors at the base cheered at home. They were all very happy that the extreme daylight and extreme heat were over. They all shouted that another level was over. They survived it with strength. They didn't want to know what the next natural disaster would be like, they just wanted to enjoy a beautiful life at this moment.

  The heavy rain lasted for five hours. Lu Xingtang estimated that the five hours of heavy rain did not wet the land. At most, it was moist, which was at least much better than during the extreme heat. After all, the extreme heat lasted for about a month. During this month, the entire country H was so exposed to the sun that the plants were dried to death. The animals could not find water to drink. Many animals even found their way to Lancheng. base for help.

  Ji Yanmo took the opportunity to collect some animals into the space and raised them in the mountains of the space.

  Some animals have been taken into the base, where they will be kept temporarily until the extreme heat passes and they will be released into the mountains. They may also be taken into a space and released after the natural disaster is over.

  Five hours after the rainstorm, the rainstorm turned into heavy rain. The heavy rain continued for three hours. It was already dawn and the heavy rain continued. Rainwater was everywhere in the base. The rainwater infected the road and the air was very humid and moist. Clearly, the temperature has returned to normal, but there is still a faint downward trend.

  Thinking about the weather in GS Province in December, Lu Xingtang felt that it would continue to be very cold. As for how cold it would be, it would depend on natural disasters.

  It rained continuously for three days on December 2, December 3, and December 4, with heavy rain, light rain, and heavy rain. Lightning and thunder continued. Lu Xingtang finally spoke this time: "The land has finally rained thoroughly. I I looked at the wells and they are all full!"

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