Chapter 421 - 430

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Table of contents
set up
dark night
  Ji Yanmo came soon. When he saw Lu Xingtang sitting quietly on the chair waiting for him, his worries suddenly dropped: "Tangtang!" He then strode towards Lu Xingtang: "How is the situation?" Lu Xingtang said

  : "It's just an unstable mentality. I feel like seeing me has made their backbone stand up in my heart again. Don't worry, I didn't treat the patient with other doctors. I just recorded a few words." Ji Yanmo had already heard it

  . The security personnel walked around with DaDaGong, and heard DaDaKi's words, which were all comforting and encouraging words. Seeing the look of hope on the faces of the survivors, Ji Yanmo understood that this method was working. of.

  Ji Yanmo asked Lu Xingtang to rest at the consultation table, while he walked around the hospital and talked about some chicken soup for the soul. It was unclear whether the survivors who drank the chicken soup had a stable mentality, but looking at their faces, they were slightly A little better.

  After comforting the survivors in the hospital, Lu Xingtang and the others asked the security personnel, doctors and nurses to notify them immediately if there was any situation, and they would come over immediately to solve the problem.

  At about 8 pm on April 27, Ji Yanmo's eyes lit up: "The wind force of the typhoon has reduced, and the thunder and lightning and heavy rain have also become smaller. Maybe the typhoon is about to pass!" Lu Xingtang's eyes also lit up: "In the end of the natural disaster

  , It's going to be over soon!"

  Around 8:45, the heavy rain stopped, and so did the thunder and lightning.

  Around 9:30, the typhoon's wind force had completely dropped, and the rumbling sound had been reduced. There was still wind, but not too strong.

  Immediately, Ji Yanmo went to check the location of the exits of each passage. Thank God, no rainwater had penetrated so far. The worn quilt was a little damp, but not stained with water. The sandbags were all dry, so the supernatural force immediately checked and found that the typhoon had indeed descended, but the situation outside was very bad.

  At 12 o'clock in the morning on April 28, the typhoon stopped. There was no wind at all outside and it was calm. In the underground city, the survivors could not hear any movement. It was quiet.

  When the wind force of the typhoon decreased, the survivors clearly felt it. At first, they thought that their feelings were wrong. Later, the noise became smaller and smaller, the sound of howling ghosts and wolves also decreased, and the children in the underground city gradually fell asleep. Later, they determined that the typhoon had indeed reduced the wind strength.

  It was not until midnight that they heard no movement at all, and even ran to the entrance of the passage to listen for movement outside. When there was indeed no movement, they felt relieved.

  Ji Yanmo asked everyone to go back and rest first, and not to be happy too early. Even if the typhoon stopped, they had to wait for a while to leave the underground city to check the situation outside. They were not sure whether the outside was flooded by heavy rain. If it was flooded, they rashly opened the door The underground city passage and the underground city will be flooded immediately, causing disaster to the people and materials in the underground city.

  Because of the typhoon and rain, the water level must have risen, otherwise Ji Yanmo would not have stopped them. The water level was about 60 centimeters, which would not kill anyone, but the water was very turbid and there were a lot of messy things in it. One by one, if they were accidentally scratched on their arms, thighs, etc., or were bitten by bugs in the water, or were infected with bacteria, they would bring certain troubles to them and the base.

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