Chapter 71 - 80

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  Chapter 71 More and more mysterious

  is a disheveled lunatic with a dirty face, dull eyes, long knotted hair, well-polished clothes, a foul smell, and drooling from the corner of her mouth, looking at Lu Xingtang hehe Smiling, holding a dark pillow in his hand, the posture of hugging the pillow is very similar to the posture of hugging a child.

  "Shh, don't disturb my baby's sleep, she just fell asleep!" The lunatic said to Lu Xingtang in a low voice, "Look, isn't the baby cute? Let me tell you, my baby is very obedient and sensible, except for being hungry, I only cry when I have diarrhea, and I don’t usually cry, and I don’t know what I’m giggling at every day.”

  Lu Xingtang frowned, this person is from their apartment building, a resident of 1801. 1801 is a young couple. Before the outbreak of the end of the world, the woman was pregnant for eight months.

  After the end of the world broke out, the couple was trapped at home and could not go out. Soon the food at home was gone, but the man never went out to find supplies, so she, who was pregnant with a big belly, went out to search, stretching out her hands for clothes and opening her mouth for food. Had to go out and find supplies.

  In the end, I saw a thunderbolt and killed me before I walked out of the apartment building, and I was so scared that I gave birth prematurely.

  Because the child was born without milk and was born prematurely, her body was weak, and her husband did not go out to look for supplies, and did not go out until he was too hungry to hold on.

  The supplies recovered were not enough for two people, and he still had a lot to eat, so he didn't know how to save money at all. For the sake of the child, the woman had to eat more, hoping to have milk to feed the child, and even secretly hid a lot of rice, boiled it in a thermos, and mashed a little bit with a spoon to feed the child.

  I don't know when the man found the supplies and didn't go home. Even if he went home, he didn't bring back food. The woman put the child to sleep, and went out to look for supplies regardless of her weakness. She was lucky enough to find a lot of supplies, enough for the two mothers to eat.

  Before the poisonous moths broke out, the man came back with a disheveled face and wounds all over his body. She had a big fight with the man, and the man even wanted to take the woman out to sell her body for goods, but the woman disagreed, so there was a big fight, and the man started viciously, picked up a stool and knocked her out.

  When she woke up, she couldn't find the child, and asked the man, but the man didn't say anything.

  It wasn't until the woman found a piece of her finger in the pot that the man told the truth. Their child, the child born and raised by the woman at the risk of her life, was...cooked by him!
  The woman almost fainted from hatred, took a kitchen knife and chopped him up while the man was asleep, chopped him into pieces, and threw them out the window.

  It was also at that time that the woman became crazy, hugging the pillow every day like a child to coax.

  Withdrawing his eyes, he said, "I'll go upstairs

  through the window and hold the tricycle!" Lu Xingtang squatted on the window sill and grabbed the tricycle handed over by Ji Yanmo. Ji Yanmo immediately came up, pulled the tricycle and jumped off the window sill, looking She went upstairs without even looking at the silly woman holding the baby.

  When I got back to the 19th floor, I saw the door of 1903 was open. Su Cheng stood at the door and looked around anxiously. When he saw Lu Xingtang and the others came back, he was relieved: "Thank God, you have returned safely." Ji Yanmo didn't go to

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