Chapter 281 - 290

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  Chapter 281 Did not reject
  the aircraft master said: "These materials are from the Chuncheng base. An earthquake occurred in the Chuncheng base a while ago, and the Chuncheng base has been destroyed, and there are several GJs around the Chuncheng base. Everyone is jealous of the materials in the Chuncheng base. President When they found out, they immediately dispatched troops and planes to the Spring City Base, took the Spring City Base back, and confiscated the rest of the materials! These materials were found

  from the ruins of the Spring City Base, and there are still many materials that have not yet been recovered. Send it here! Those who can be sent by plane will be sent by plane, and those that cannot be sent by plane will come one after another. It's just that the journey is a bit far away, and they may not be sent to the Lancheng base, but may be sent to the official Shancheng base. "

  Hearing this news, Lu Xingtang and the others looked unhappy, and quietly received the supplies from the Spring City base: "Then, what about the survivors of the Spring City base?" "Some died in the earthquake, and some were taken away by the nearby

  GJ. They are gone, some of them are already on the way to escape, they may go to the Shancheng base and the Lancheng base, as for how many people will come, it is not clear yet, it will probably not arrive at the Lancheng base in a month or two!" Lu Xingtang continued

  silently Work, she is now the head of the base, and she will definitely take in other survivors, but the natural disaster does not know when it will end. It is now February 7, 2113, 15 years after the end of the world.

  "As long as they come, the Lancheng base will definitely take them in!" Lu Xingtang promised.

  The materials for building the bunker were also delivered one after another. After Ji Yanmo counted the materials, he asked the workers who built the bunker to hurry up and build the bunker.

  Ji Yanmo stared at the bunker. The special assistant of the fox has trained two assistants. The special assistant of the fox has good ability, integrity and can be reused. Ji Yanmo asked these two people to follow Lu Xingtang to help Lu Xingtang count the supplies sent by GJ, and what should be put into the warehouse should be put into the warehouse, and what should be used for construction should be used for construction.

  Lu Xingtang was helped, and he was a little brisk. Finally, he had time to organize people to select other factories to build factories next to them, put the production line sent by GJ into the factory, and start the factory operation.

  At the same time, from the survivors of the base, look for the bosses who have worked in the factory in the last days, and let them help to keep an eye on them. If they do well, the factory will be handed over to them for operation. Especially milk powder!

  There are many pre-apocalyptic factory bosses who signed up, including several two-legged beasts. After learning from the "bosses" of the company building and other factories on the base, Lu Xingtang began to select the "bosses" who signed up, including two-legged beasts. Lu Xingtang gave them Chances are, anyway, all their whereabouts are being watched, and they are not afraid of causing trouble at the base.

  The Twolegs finally passed the selection by Lu Xingtang, successfully entered the factory, and built the factory together with Lu Xingtang. After the factory was established, they moved the machinery into the factory, adjusted their positions, recruited workers, taught them how to work, and began to gradually produce.

  Because of the Two-legged Beast, Lu Xingtang asked the old people in the base who wanted to work but were too old to work, so they could only stay at home and wait for the children to earn supplies to go home, but the old people who were in good health, Lu Xingtang took They gathered together and gave them supplies on a monthly basis.

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