Chapter 151 - 160

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  Chapter 151 He has a lot of extra
  Su Cheng can't let Ji Yanmo and Lu Xingtang go, but if he doesn't talk about it now, he probably won't be able to eat dinner.

  Lu Xingtang has already laid out the meals, steaming hot, very simple meals, a plate of bacon, vinegared cabbage, braised pork ribs, potato chips, and a bean sprout soup. Except for cabbage and potatoes, everything else was brought back from Qing'an Peak.

  Su Cheng was so hungry that he didn't plan to eat at first, but when he saw the sumptuous dinner, his stomach growled, "Sister Tang, I'm sorry for your hard work!" He sat down immediately, picked up chopsticks and ate .

  Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo shook their heads helplessly, telling Su Cheng to eat more.

  After Su Cheng finished eating, he raised his glass: "I'm sorry, I'm too hungry, I wish you a happy housewarming!" There was boiled water in the glass.

  Ji Yanmo and Lu Xingtang also toasted: "Thank you."

  After eating and drinking, Su Cheng looked at Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo: "You two really don't think about taking up the post? If you don't take the post, you don't have to eat?"

  Their base has always adhered to self-reliance. If they want materials and survive, they must work hard.

  From the moment they decided to live in the base, they knew that Su Cheng would not let them go easily, and they had already made up their minds. Lu Xingtang went to the base hospital, and Ji Yanmo followed Su Cheng to see what position Su Cheng would arrange for him. , he just follows along.

  "For the position of a doctor or nurse in the base hospital, how much is the supplies per month?" Lu Xingtang asked.

  Su Cheng knew that Lu Xingtang's medical skills were good. When he was in the Sunshine Community, he would read medical books whenever he had time, and often borrowed his father to learn medical knowledge. Even he and Ji Yanmo didn't escape, and they worked as guinea pigs many times. But because he and Ji Yanmo's physical fitness is too good, the effect of the experiment is not great.

  Su Cheng replied: "Nurses get 25 catties of food a month, doctors 35 catties a month, and have two days off a month! But nurses are more tired than doctors, and any patient will go to the nurse first and then the doctor!"

  But now the base hospital is not as chaotic as it used to be. The base hospital managed by Brother Sheng Lingjin was basically a mess. No matter what patient it was, they dared to attack the nurses and doctors, regardless of whether the nurses and doctors were injured or killed. No matter what the consequences would be, I didn't think about it at the time.

  When Lu Xingtang and Ji Yanmo left the base to go to Qing'an Peak to enjoy the blessings, he struck hard, but all the patients or their family members who caused trouble were thrown out of the base, regardless of life or death. If the trouble is serious, drag it out and beat it to death!
  Therefore, the base hospital is relatively stable now, and there are not many people making troubles.

  But now the base has taken in a lot of survivors who survived the acid rain. These survivors have been exhausted because of fleeing. Most of them collapsed just after they were allocated accommodation and before they started working.

  "Now there are a lot of patients in the base hospital. We have discussed it. We plan to find people who have studied medicine in the base and let them work in the base hospital. Therefore, whether it is a doctor or a nurse, the monthly supplies will increase by five. Jin!" Paused: "If you want to go to the base hospital, report to the personnel department of the office building tomorrow, and they will arrange for you. After the arrangement, they will let you go to work in the base hospital! It won't be long, a day at most In

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