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Hi. Hello. 

Thank you for choosing to read this.
But, there are a few important things I want you to consider before you move on to the story. 

1) TRIGGER WARNING: this story contains very descriptive parts of selfharm, sexual assault, bullying, violence, suicide.

2) As they are very sensitive topics, I ask of you to refrain from disrespecting or mistreating them. Keep in mind that some readers may relate to the characters I've created on an emotional level. So, any such comments will be deleted. 

3) The story is told in dual POVs and since they are two different characters, their thoughts and words are different.

3) English is not my first language. Please excuse any grammar mistakes. You can comment about it so I can correct it.

4) Feel free to state your opinions (except for the above-mentioned ones) as they are very important to me.

I hope you enjoy the story <3

PS: the next part will display the aesthetics of the characters but if you like to imagine on your own, you're more than welcome. 


enjoy :)
love, ri <3

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