Chapter Six

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Eli's pov

"So you're saying you understood what she taught you? Like, perfectly?" Asher asked for the fourth time.

"Yup," I breathed out a cloud of smoke as I swayed on the hammock.

"Better than the actual teacher?" Asher said.

"Mhm," I put the cigarette back in my mouth.

If I even fucking listen to the teacher.

A cold breeze brushed my hair and I briefly closed my eyes. We were outside my house, in the backyard, having an evening hang out. Every time my mind wanders off, it always goes to the feel of Fallon's two fingers rubbing my forehead. It was the most soothing gesture I've ever gotten in my entire life. But I shut the thoughts down.

"She's good at the subject so it's not a surprise, really" Asher stated. I shrugged. I didn't want to admit it. She already looked proud and stuck up as she was.

"I know what you're thinking. Stop. She isn't like that" he started and I rolled my eyes.

"She's just a snobby bitch with daddy's money. You talked to her once or twice. That's it. How the fuck would you know?" I said.

"Same with you. You can't just listen to the rumours those people spread about her and believe them, Eli. She's actually really nice" he took a sip of his beer. Justin was laying on a hammock, his arm over his eyes, possibly listening.

"Everyone's nice to you, Ash," I pointed out. He shook his head, giving up.

I thought back again to the tutoring session. The way she was nervously bouncing her leg the entire time until she got comfortable after about an hour. The way she was so concentrated on the maths problem she was solving. And especially the way strands of hair kept falling over her face and her having to tuck it away every minute or so. My hand itched to do it for her so she could keep on concentrating. Something about the way she solved the problems was addicting. Her eyes darting across the page, wheels turning in her head, the occasional bite of her pencil-

I paused.


Fallon's pov

My back hit the lockers and I was cornered. I sighed.

Here we go again.

"Seriously, you have no other outfit besides some hoodie and pants?" She sneered at me, her voice dripping with repulsion. My head was lowered and I prayed silently that people walking by wouldn't pay that much attention. She snatched at my bag and my heart leapt.


I tightened my grip on it and swung it out of her grasp. She pursed her lips and gave her friends a look.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, hm? Just because you are rich doesn't mean you're any smarter or more important than us" she snapped and grabbed a hold of my bag, pulling it away from me. I held my breath, hoping she wouldn't open that front pocket. Who knows what they'll do if the blade falls out?

She dangled it in the air to see if I'd make a move for it but I knew better.

"Let's see what you have in here" she rummaged through my bag, "oooh". She grinned and took the fifty dollars my dad lent me.

Any time now she would open that pocket.

"L-look, I'm late for-" My sentence was interrupted when Kat laughed, "Oh, shut up, freak. Don't you have anything better to do than attend your classes? You're a worthless piece of shit". I let out a breath. I'm too tired for this.

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