Chapter Thirteen

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Fallon's pov

My throat ached as I tried to swallow so I didn't. Instead, I kept biting my nails while walking up and down the hospital hallway. I managed to quickly stop by at home and grab a pair of sweatpants, which I now wore with Eli's shirt, the hem reaching a little further past my thighs and I didn't forget to throw on a hoodie over it to cover my arms. But not even the heat of all the clothes could make me feel less cold and chilly than I was now. It's been exactly an hour and forty-three minutes since I've been here but there was no sign of the doctor or a nurse or any other staff. My vision blurred from time to time as I thought of the possibilities but every time I blinked to make my eyes clear again. I was startled when the doors to the X-ray room swung open and the doctor stepped out, his eyes landing on me.

I walked up to him, "Is he alright? What happened? How did he even- can I see him, please?". My throat hurt a bit more as my eyes got blurry with tears again.

"I'm sorry, but are you his daughter?" the doctor asked.

I hesitated, "Um, I'm his granddaughter. Sort of".

He nodded, "Right. Yes, you can see him", he placed a warm hand on my shoulder, which felt heavier than it should've. How long has it been since I ate? Doesn't matter.

"Don't worry, he'll be alright. We just scanned him and the reports will be out in a few hours. Try to keep him talking" he gave me a kind smile before walking down the hallway. I didn't waste a second before I swung open the door and stepped into the blue and white room. And my eyes landed on Mr Oscar as he lay on the bed, tubes sticking out of his hands and his chest rising and falling slowly but heavily.

He lifted his head slightly off the bed and a small smile broke out on his face, "Fallon? Is that you, kiddo?". I laughed and wiped at my eyes, walking towards the hospital bed. My hands found the railing on the sides of the bed as I gazed down at poor Mr Oscar.

"How are you feeling?" I sniffed.


"You're lying"

"Okay, maybe I feel a little lightheaded but that's all"

"But...why? Did you forget to eat? How did you just faint out of nowhere?" I said, my eyes staring at the saline tubes at his wrists.

"No, no, I ate" he let out a raspy cough, "I'm just old, kid. These things happen".

"No, they don't, Mr Oscar. Not like this, out of the blue. Did you get your blood checked?" worry chewed at my lip.

"I don't have any sicknesses, stop worrying" he coughed again. I sighed and plopped down on the chair beside the bed.

"I'm sorry. I should've been there. What if something more terrible happened and there wasn't anybody to help you?" I covered my face with my hands.

"Whoa, now, I'm fine, see? Nothing happened. And what do I always tell you, huh? Stop blaming yourself for everything, kid. I just fainted and that brown-blonde girl called the ambulance when she came in to return one of the books" he explained.

"Brown-blonde girl?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow just when the door swung open again and Wren walked in, her hand holding two cups of what looked like coffee. Those greyish-black eyes met with mine and flashed with recognition.

"Salve caritate," she smiled as she walked towards me, handing me a cup.

"I hope that meant hi, so hi" I beamed back, glancing down at the hot coffee in my hands, "You brought this for me?".

"Yup. I knew you were coming. The nurse told me" she explained before sitting down next to me.

"So, she's the brown-blonde girl?" I said, giving Mr Oscar a look.

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