Chapter Fourteen

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Eli's pov

As much as I despised Ash right now, with the whole Fallon situation, I couldn't get him involved in this. I knew he'd do something stupid and blurt out about the graffiti we did to Cain's house and how it was Cain's way of getting revenge on me. That would've gotten Asher in trouble. He had too much to lose; his reputation, popularity, money, a good family, and a good residence. Besides, despite it being his idea, I was the one who did it. It must've been caught on their CCTV cameras. The cuff chains dangled as I covered my face with a hand and let out a half-hearted laugh.

Silly fucks.

The door to the interrogation room opened and Officer Philips walked in, slapping down a thick file on the desk and pulling out a chair before sitting down on it. He leaned forward but I didn't bother as I sat sprawled on the chair casually.

At least that's how you tried for it to look like.

Though coming to the police station for me was like how other kids would go to see their grandmas, I've never stolen anything or been in an interrogation room. None of the things I had done back then had been confirmed that I did them, except for that one day when I was caught trying to paint a school wall. But this time was different. They had evidence. Solid evidence.

"So, Eli Horace, you see that file over there?" the officer said, his voice heavy with the Boston accent.

I glanced down at it, "Yeah, this one, right? Yeah, yup, I'm pretty sure I see it".

His eyes turned into a glare from my sarcastic tone, "That's all the illegal delinquencies you've committed over this year alone. There are three other files back in my office but I didn't bother".

I nodded, "Uh-huh. Where are we going with this?". Philips flipped open the file and slid the piece of paper at the very top in front of me on the desk.


"Looks familiar?"

I didn't reply as I studied the picture taken of the Cains' wall with the words I spray painted on them shining in the sunlight. But what my eyes lingered on was the initials; A.C.

"Now, I know I don't have to ask you to know that A.C. stands for that friend of yours. Asher Carwood?" he questioned, his eyes never moving from my face. I finally looked up. I couldn't let this lean towards his way.

"Yup. I spray painted that," I said, folding my arms.

"Why 'A.C'?"

"I wanted to frame him, obviously. That asshole has too much good in his life"

"Isn't he your best friend?" Philips inquired as he wrote something down on his notepad.

I managed a shrug, "You could say that. But there's always a little conflict between friends, am I right, officer? I framed him; he snitched on me. One on one".

"Where did you get the money from?"

"Didn't the Cains tell you that?" I tilted my head, brows furrowing.

He peered up from his writing, "I'm asking you, kid. Where did you get the money from?".

Okay, fuck. Think, think, think, think, think.

"I think I got it from their drawers. Upstairs. Or was it downstairs? Not sure though, I was a bit fucked up then" I did loops with my finger around my head, indicating that I wasn't in my right mind.

"Hm" was all he said before scribbling something down. I swallowed.

He snapped the notepad shut, "The Cains want to discuss something with you. Officer Benjamin will take you to another room", and he gave me a look which said you know which one.

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