Chapter Twenty-Four

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Fallon's pov

There came the point when my hand became numb and I had to start pressing harder. Then it would be okay, just for a second, and I would watch my slits start getting more expansive as the blade pierced deeper into the skin. I would feel every inch of the cold metal opening me up but I had learned to relish and absorb that feeling long ago. I've also learned to appreciate the random free periods I get just before lunch. It meant more time to be in my own little thought-free world.

"Next time, princess, remember that I'm right here."

I slid the blade along my skin again, gritting my teeth at the pain.

Is he though?

I slid the blade again.

Is he?


I don't see him.

And again.

Nobody's here.

And again.

Giggles dragged me out of my daze as the door to the bathroom opened and a set of girls walked in. I sighed, releasing I'll have to stay inside the stall till they leave. After wiping the blade's edge clean with toilet paper, I tucked it in the outer pocket of my bag. Blood started sliding down my arm as I moved and I had to hold it over the toilet so it could drip. I heard the stall door next to me open and close and the gush of a faucet.

"He literally sat behind me in Biology and he smelled so good," one of the girls said, her voice slightly high-pitched, and the other scoffed.

"Oh my god, Amber, seriously? Justin Harvey?"

At the mention of his name, I leaned closer into the gap in the door, peeking out and seeing a blonde girl tidying up her hair while a short-haired girl watched, her arms crossed.

"What? He's hot and the best drummer in the entire school" the blonde girl said, angling her head in circles and making sure not a single strand was astray.

"He's also the most coldblooded, unapproachable guy in the entire school" the short-haired girl added.

Well, I didn't know about that. Justin seemed the complete opposite to me, though he didn't really engage with his friends or talk much, I knew he felt a lot. He was one of the most caring figures I've ever seen so far.

Whoever was in the stall next to me flushed, drowning out the rest of their conversation and another girl joined in with the duo. They waited for her to wash her hands and dry them before leaving.

I let out a relieved sigh and stood up, opening my stall door and stepping out. Without wasting much time, I flipped a faucet on and held my bloodred arm under it. The stings grew as the water came in contact, washing the maroon red away to a faded pink as it went down the drain. Only about a minute passed when the bathroom door swung open again and I immediately turned away, flipping the faucet off. I grabbed a tissue from the dispenser and dabbed my arm, making sure my back was turned to whoever came in.


"Oh, what a lovely surprise"

My heart dropped.

Double crap.

I hurriedly dried out my arm, despite the blood filling up the slits again, and pulled my sweater sleeve down. Turning around, I found Kat, and the group of girls she always hung out with, cornering me, and blocking the exit.

"Just seeing you ruins my entire day" she sneered, and I hid my arm behind me, "Did you meet Max the other day?". My eyes widened as dread started creeping up my body.

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