Chapter Thirty-One

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Eli's pov

"It says push, dumbfuck" Justin sighed.

Asher cleared his throat, brushing down his shirt, "I knew that. I was just checking if the hinges were working".

It was cold inside the coffee shop. The smell of caffeine reminded me of her comfort and features, of her laugh that I bubble out of her and mostly, it reminded me of her eyes, which bore so much within. Asher was already across the shop and had his arms wrapped around Wren in a hug. The girl gave his head a ruffle in greeting. She's been closer to Asher in contrast to me and Justin. I knew she was one of the most important people in his life, one of the people he would do anything for. But it was never more than a strong friendship and it never will be more than that.

"Why can I imagine you pulling the gates to hell when it clearly says push after you die?" Wren smiled playfully at the blonde before turning to us, "You guys wanna order?".

"When are you leaving?" Justin asked, taking a sip of his black coffee.

Wren pushed her hair back, only making it fall around her face in a curtain, "This Sunday. They wanted me to come on Friday but I postponed it. I never got to hang with you guys much this time and I'm already off".

"Do you really have to go?" Asher chimed in, the side of his mouth puffed with the bite he took off his croissant.

"Yes, babe. But I'll try to be back again in a week or so" she sighed, "This interview means a lot to me. I could possibly get a job at the company".

Asher nodded, "Yeah, no, I get it. I'm proud of you, Wren. It's just that I'll miss you".

"We can hang one last time before you leave though" I suggested, the taste of the latte remaining in my mouth.

"About that, there's a party this Thursday at Max's. I know how much of a dickhead he is, but his parties are, sadly, entertaining. And literally, everybody's invited" the girl sitting across from me said but for some reason, I wanted to reject it. Before I could say anything, Asher was quicker as he turned to Justin.

"Can we go, please? Let's just spend one day with her before she leaves" There was something about the golden boy whenever he wanted people to do what he wants. Maybe it was the way he looks at them or maybe it was the invisible, expectantly wagging tail behind him but whatever it is, you would always end up saying yes.

"It's gonna be so fucking chaotic" Justin groaned, letting his head fall back, "And don't even talk about the huge load of people that'll be there". I took another big gulp of my latte, feeling it burning my throat.

"That's the point, man. Please? I promise it'll be worth it" Asher pushed.


"Fine. But I swear to god if you get drunk again after beer pong, I'm dragging you home and locking you in your bedroom, you got that?" Justin folded his arms, a scowl on his face.

"Yessir" Asher saluted and the excitement was practically radiating off of him as he looked at me, "Any objections, lover boy?".

I took the last sip in one swallow, "Nope". What kind of a monster would crush this blonde's happiness?

Just put up with it and be out of there as fast as you could.

Fucking simple.

Maybe I could sneak into Fal's house afterwards. Respectfully.

Max's parties would usually end up with the police being dragged in there but despite all that, he had a way of making the parties addicting. It could be the booming music, the snacks or maybe just the crowd overall. But when you're a horny teenager looking for booze, all you need is a fucked up party and some drug addicts.

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