Chapter Twenty-Three

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Eli's pov

She was anxious. So fucking anxious and on edge. I knew it from the way her feet kept bouncing since the start of the combined history period and the way she kept glancing up at the clock. Despite being seated at the very back in a middle column, I noted her brown hair a few rows in front of me. It was rare two grades were put together for a subject but apparently, today was one of those days. My mind blocked out the nonstop babbling of the teacher as I watched Fal run a hand through her hair and her shoulders rose and dropped as if she was taking deep breaths. I didn't know what was making her so damn nervous but she looked like she desperately wanted to get the fuck out of there.

"...and I would recommend you take down the order of the kings during this period in history..."

I glanced at Asher beside me, scribbling down on his book, looking up at the teacher once in a while and Justin, in the same row as Fal, a few columns to the left, listening. Slipping out my phone beneath the desk, I opened the group chat, typing out:

Get your asses ready.

I heard the subtle pings of their phones and noticed how they glanced down before their eyes switched to mine, turning slightly in their seats.




The teacher turned back to the board.

I grinned and sprung out of my seat, running to the back of the classroom. My hand thumbed open the small glass over the fire alarm and I wasted no second pressing it. An alarm blared through the small space, causing the students to panic and a commotion to fill the room as they got up from their seats, scrambling to the door. I hated how I looked around to make sure none of the dudes I hang out with were around before I rushed to Fal, pulling her off her seat, and interlacing our fingers.

"Eli, what-"

"I'm gonna get you the fuck out of here" was the only thing I said before slipping between the students running to the exit whilst we ran to the back instead. I pushed open one of the windows at the back of the room and peeked out. The jump won't be too high. Justin and Asher met us at the back.

"I should've expected this" papa bear sighed.

"The text said it all" Asher shook his head in an attempt at fatherly disappointment but he couldn't hide the smile that kept forcing through.

"Jump-" I started as I helped Fal onto the sill but the teacher interrupted.

"Hey! Where are you kids going? Get off the window!" he was making his way towards us, pushing between students. I grinned not being able to help it. I fucking loved this. Fallon had already hopped off and Asher was down there with her, waiting for Justin who had paused on the sill, giving me a glare.

"The things I do for you, bastard" he muttered and jumped off. I hopped on the ridge, looking back at the fat man trying to hurry towards us, his glasses slipping off occasionally.

"Horace, you're going to get in trouble for this, kid!" he yelled and I did a mocking salute before letting go and landing on the concrete.

The teacher reached the window too late, looking down at us, his face twisted with anger, "Get back here!"

"Me no English. Sorry," I flashed him an apologetic smile and took Fal's hand again, pulling her along with me as I sprinted to the parking lot, leaving the fuming man behind.

"Eli, we could seriously get suspended," Fal said, glancing back as if checking to see whether the teacher was following, Justin and Asher following closely behind.

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