Chapter Twenty

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Fallon's pov

I dipped the cloth in the hot water, the steam hitting my hands as I squeezed the cloth dry before turning to Eli seated on my bed. It felt wrong to have a guy in my room and I could've nursed him in the kitchen, but the risk that my mum could be home early stopped me. Besides, Eli seemed more comfortable on the mattress, his cheeks a faint pink, either from the heat or something else. After our tutoring session, my anger faded a bit but I still felt like I had to be cautious around him.

"Ow! Hey, chill the fuck out-" he yelped as I dabbed one of his bruises with the hot cloth.

"Oh my lord, stop being a freaking baby, Eli" I snapped, tilting his head up with a finger to get better access. He clamped his mouth shut and scrunched up his eyes, letting out a frustrated groan. The corner of my mouth lifted in a small smile at his immaturity.

"Let's play that game of yours, then," he said and I dipped the dried cloth back in the hot liquid, "It fucking hurts and I could use a distraction". I glanced at him at the sudden thought– unwanted thought– that popped into my mind but he was already smirking.

I glared at him.

"What? You thought about it" he grinned.

I rolled my eyes and started nursing a bruise around his collarbone area, "Alright. You go first".

There was a moment of silence before he asked his question, "What's your favourite memory?".

I paused. My mind went blank. I searched and searched, rummaging through my brain, trying to pick out a good memory but every one of my drawers that had stored moments was empty; completely dark and empty.

Oh, right. You don't remember stuff.

"I...I don't know" I avoided his eyes as I gently rubbed his bruise.

He tilted his head to the side in confusion but I hooked a finger under his chin and lifted it towards the ceiling again, "I forget. Like a lot. I won't even be surprised if I don't remember what I ate for breakfast".

He frowned, "But you didn't eat".

I only smiled as I touched his forehead with my other hand, massaging it with two fingers, "My turn".


"What's your favourite flower?"

Eli laughed.

"What?" I raised a brow.

He shook his head, "Nothing. You just ask the most random, simple questions".

"They're not simple, really. It could tell a person a lot about themselves. Come on, I'll show you. Tell me what your favourite flower is".

He ran a hand through his hair, making a small strand fall between his eyes, "I've liked hyacinths a lot for some stupid reason. Especially the purple ones. They're pretty, I guess". I picked up my phone with my free hand and searched up 'purple hyacinths' as he watched my every move. The moment my screen lit up with the lavender-ish flower, I flipped it and showed it to Eli. I waited, gazing into his eyes, which read the description and meaning of his favourite flower. I waited, watching the confusion in his eyes melt into realisation he desperately tried to hide but failed.

"Hyacinths, purple ones, represent sorrow. Forgiveness" I put my phone away, dipping the cloth back in the water and squeezing it, "I know that means something to you". I didn't push him on the matter as he looked away to the side, avoiding my eyes.

After a few minutes of silence, he cleared his throat, "Wh-why do you always wear long sleeves?".


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