Chapter Ten

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Fallon's pov

Cigarettes were not my thing.

It was odd. How comfortable and welcome I felt with them. Was I supposed to be accepted that easily? It made me think they were making fun of me but Asher was genuinely excited to talk with me and Justin, who wasn't actually mute, didn't seem to mind. He even brought me a coffee. I couldn't help the smile that had surfaced on my face when Asher had started to chase Eli around the hammocks which were tied to several trees and Justin had just minded his own business while watching them.

As I drove back home, my mind drifted off to Mr Oscar. It felt as if I hadn't visited him in ages but it was only a few days. On Wednesdays, he usually closed up early but I turned towards Clarke Street and drove to the mini shop nevertheless. Considering the fact that my parents won't be home till late, I'll have to be alone in that godforsaken house and also the fact that I wanted to check in with my old friend-yes, my very first and only friend-and the thought of spending time with Mr Oscar made the racing of my heart decrease.

Anything was better than going home.

The small spot I used to park in front of the shop before was taken. I drove a few blocks ahead and had to slide my car in between a motorcycle and a lamppost about a kilometre away from Fine Feathers. I pulled my hood over my head and walked down the street, all the while sending a quick text to my mum. As soon as I looked up from the screen, I regretted it.

She was gorgeous. Stunningly gorgeous in every way possible. Her jet-black hair, smooth and hanging in lovely curls, reached down to her cinched waist. The sundress she wore showed off her clear skin and the elegant way she walked in her sandals. She didn't have freckles, no dark circles under her perfect eyes, nothing to hide her beautiful body away from. Her glossy lips formed into a sweet smile when she saw me looking at her and my cheeks turned bright pink. I smiled back awkwardly before hurrying past. I'll be giving her literal nightmares with that smile of mine. I refused to let myself tear up as I got closer to the bookshop and took a deep breath, trying to tramp down the emotions erupting within me.

You don't even have a chance to look that stunning.

The bell tinkled as I opened the door and stepped inside. I spotted Mr Oscar's hunched shadow at the back of the shop. It was as if he was arranging some books, in other words, distracted. I rubbed my palms together, lips curling into an evil smile and I slowly crept toward him, keeping myself well out of view. Tiptoeing over, I raised my hands upward, ready to pounce on him with a loud 'boo'. I opened my mouth and-

"Hello to you, too, kiddo"

I groaned dramatically, coming out of view, "How do you always know? At least pretend you were scared-". I halted when I saw Mr Oscar was actually helping a customer.

Embarrassment made my cheeks flush and I tried to walk back to the front when the girl spoke, "Want some advice on how to sneak up better?". It wasn't in a mocking tone and she had an accent. I turned to her. She had layered short hair, and some strands of blonde peeked out from underneath the dark brown. But what caught my eye were her piercings. They shone from under her messy locks like proud stars.

"I like your piercings" the words just came out.

I wanted to hide away as soon as they were out but the girl smiled, "Gratias ago, deliciae". My eyes widened at how attractive that was. I hoped she didn't insult me with whatever she said but the way she was looking at me said she didn't. Her lips were full and dark pink as they curled upward.

"I'm Wren" she held out her hand. I clasped it in mine and was surprised at how cold it was. Cold but soft. '

"Hi. I'm Fallon".

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