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Dr. Myra✨

"Well, Addison, it seems like we are almost at the end of our session. I am sorry to have to stop here." I said.
"It's okay," Addison said.
"I will see you in our next session, next week," I said.
Addison nodded and she wheeled herself out of my office. She has been my client for the past two months, and our journey together had not been easy at first, but I was glad we were both making progress.

Addison was brought to me by her husband, Adam. She had been involved in an accident causing her to lose their unborn child and also the accident was bad enough, putting her in a wheelchair.
Since that day Addison started hating herself, and her husband brought her in when he noticed the symptoms of suicide ideation, her talking about feeling hopeless and having no reason to live, and also indulging in reckless behaviors like drinking too much alcohol.
Adam was worried for her, and he cared about her and he said that Addison blamed herself for the loss of their child. Adam did not blame her, he wanted to see his wife go back to her usual self even if she would not be able to walk again, and also he wanted her to get help, and that is why she was here.
I sighed, but I was confident that we would work through the problems together.

I walked down the hallway to the cafeteria, got a cup of coffee, and went to meet Suzanne. Suzanne was my assistant, and she helped me in scheduling all my appointments, she was good at her work.

"Good morning Dr. Myra?" Suzanne asked.
"Good morning, Suzanne," I said and sat down beside her sipping my coffee.
She handed me a printed file of my next client. It only had the client's name, email address, and phone number.
"Your next appointment. The booking was made in the middle of the night." Suzanne said.
I nodded. "Thank you, Suzanne, see you later," I said taking the file and heading back to my office, having drunk my coffee. My break was not that long and I needed to get ready for my next client.


There was a knock at my door and I stood up to receive my next client.
"Hi, good morning, I am Dr. Myra, and thank you for coming in today," I said and held out my hand for him to shake. He hesitated a little before shaking mine. I showed him his seat and soon enough we were all settled to start our session.
"I know it can be nerve-wracking to meet a therapist for the first time," I said, noticing how he was fidgeting and how nervous he was.
"I... I do not want anybody to know that I was here." He said.
"I understand, you do not have to worry about that, it's my priority to keep all my clients' information a secret," I said, understanding that some of us usually feel ashamed to be seen going to therapy or worrying that we could be judged.
"I will be asking some personal questions today, some may be nosy and you don't have to feel pressured to answer any," I said, trying to create a safe space for my client.
He nodded.
"Okay, Damian, I would like to start with a broad question, and we can go from there. What brought you in today." I asked.

He was silent for a while.

"Well... I... Well... I... I have been having problems with my marriage life." He said and looked at me. I nodded.
"I am so sorry you are dealing with that. When did these problems start." I asked.

Damian rose from his seat and headed for the door.
"I am sorry, it was a mistake coming here." He said and left. I was not surprised, situations like this usually happen a lot here, and I also understood that building a relationship with a client takes some time.
I took out my pen and wrote something down on my notepad. I have to admit I was a little shaken when he just shot up from his seat, but I did not show it. I placed his file in my drawer and made a small note to remind me to send a follow-up email to my client.

I sighed. Facing different clients with different needs was not easy at first, but with time I learned to accommodate each one of them with their specific needs, it's what I had been taught. Being a therapist had always been my dream, helping others help themselves, and I lived on that.
It has been almost five years into my career and it was going well. I still follow up with my other clients whose sessions ended, and I always feel good that they are progressing well.
I did not have any sessions throughout the day and I was glad to take the opportunity of going home, taking a bath, and having a really good sleep.

I am a psychology student by the way, and I love it. Who else is?

My favorite part about psychology is Psychology itself.

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