Twenty Three

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When I woke up, Damian was not in bed with me, it seemed like he did not come to bed after waking up at that time.
My injury had not completely healed, but it was just fine and I decided to call Suzanne and tell her to schedule the missed appointments for tomorrow, I felt like I was now ready to get back to work, although I had not forgotten what had happened in the past days.

I took a shower and after that, I headed to the kitchen, Damian was not in there. I checked around the house but it was empty. He must have left for work or something, but he could have told me. I thought. I called him but he was not answering his phone and I gave up.

"Hey Suzanne, good morning," I said.
"Ooh, Myra, how are you? Are you feeling well today?" Suzanne asked. When I called off, I told her that I was not feeling well, she wanted to visit but I just gave an excuse that I had gotten out of town for a while.
"Ah, yes I am thank you, and I will be coming in tomorrow, please reschedule the appointments for tomorrow," I said.
"Okay, Doctor and oh your fiancee was here the other day, he was asking for you," Suzanne said. I tensed a little at the mention of that, I did not want to ever see him again in my life.
"Yeah, I talked to him and I explained where I was." I lied. "And I will be terminating my sessions with Mr. Ferrera, I will hand in the letter tomorrow when I come," I informed Suzanne.
"Okay, I will make the necessary changes." She said.
"And you have an online counseling session at eleven Dr. Myra, do you think you can manage to do that? The appointment was made yesterday." Suzanne said.
"Oh, okay yeah I can do that, send me the patient's information and I will see to it," I said.
"Okay, see you soon Dr." She said and hung up.

I knew Jordan will look for me and I wished that we just talked and solved everything, instead of fighting, and I don't regret one bit for running away from him but I just wanted us to talk and be honest with each other. I sighed.
I swiped my phone up and I opened the messages he had been sending me. He said he regretted what he did and he was sorry and he wanted me to go back and talk. I put the phone down. I did not want anything to do with him, let alone see him and talk right now. If we had just talked then.

Damian had not yet returned My calls. I walked back into the bedroom and decided to do some cleaning since I had been doing nothing, and also to pass sometime before attending to my client online.

I started arranging Damian's clothes, not that they were not orderly, but I just wanted to take in his scent, I remembered the day we slept together, the memories are still fresh and I wanted it all over again. I had some plans for tonight. I smiled at what I had in mind.
I managed to clean the house and by the time Eleven came, I was through. I was using my phone since I did not have a laptop. I sat down in front of my phone with a pen and a notepad I had taken from the bookshelf.


Damian came back later in the day. I was busy preparing something for dinner and I did not hear him coming until hands wrapped around my waist pulling me.
"Hey, baby I missed you." He said and he placed a kiss on my neck. I smiled.
"I missed you too, but why didn't you return my calls," I asked. And I turned around to face him.
"I am sorry my love, I did not carry my phone to the meeting." He said. He had been calling me all those lovely nicknames and I wondered what our relationship was.
"Want me to help you?" He asked.
"No, I am almost done, just sit down and let me do it. You must be tired." I said.
He nodded. "I'll go take a shower then." He said and left.
Damian came down after some time and we had dinner. I told him about my day and what I had been doing.
"I want to go back to work tomorrow by the way," I said.
"Re... Really?" He asked, placing his spoon down.
"Yeah, I feel like I have rested enough plus my injury is fine," I said. "And also submitting the termination later," I added.
He nodded.
"And I have not been doing anything for some time and I am bored, and also, I miss my clients," I said.
"It would be..."
"Myra, I don't think that would be happening," Damian said looking down at his plate. I stopped my ranting.
"What do you mean, termination is..."
"I wasn't referring to that Myra." He said curtly. "You will not be returning to work." He said. And raised his head to look at him. I looked at him with widened eyes, also placing my spoon down.
"What do you mean, I wouldn't be going to work?" I asked, not knowing what to expect.
"That is what it means, you will not be going back to work At least not now." He said.
"You are not giving me an explanation, why? what is the reason I can't," I asked, getting angry at how he was showing me his attitude. He stood up from his seat.
"You just can't go." He said. Again with you just can't. I thought angrily.
"Damian, what is the reason I can't go, is there something wrong?" I asked.
"No." He said.
"Then I'll go, if there's nothing wrong," I said and picked my spoon up.
"No, Myra." He said.
"No, no, no Damian what is it?" I asked, almost yelling, throwing the spoon on the table and standing from my chair.
"Myra, you don't have to know anything right now, just do what I say." He said not turning from where he was facing. I took his arm and turned him towards me.
"Myra, what is your problem? Why can't you listen? I said it, I don't have to give you an explanation." He said.
I was surprised. He was just deciding something for me and he did not owe me an explanation?

I thought today we were going to have some good times together but we were here going on and on arguing about God knows what.
"Whatever Damian, I am going to bed," I said and walked passed him, tears welling up in my eyes. I didn't know why I felt like crying.

I changed into my night clothes: his shirt and slipped to my side. I placed my head on the pillow, and just let the tears flow freely from my eyes and hoped that they will lull me to sleep.

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