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Enzo's pov

I was seated with Andrea in Damian's office. Myra has been in that comma for months and she had not woken up and there were no signs of her waking up. I wished she would just wake up, Damian needed her and if he continued with whatever he does every day, we might lose him also.

Damian had been wrecked through those months, just drinking recklessly, and not even wanting to eat or sleep.
He would spend almost all his days and nights in the room Myra was kept. He was a mess and it broke my heart. Although he was my boss, he was like a brother, no he is my brother and also my best friend. When I lost my mom, he was the first person that I ever spoke to, and he proved to be a reliable friend, we grew up together and took care of each other and I was genuinely happy when he got out of his marriage and found Myra. He changed a little when he found her, he would smile often and anybody would notice that he was genuinely happy.
And for Myra, I would do anything just to see her wake up from that comma. Although we had not interacted with each other that much, I know she is just the one for Damian.

Damian's situation was getting worse day by day and we had requested him to take a break from the office and let me and Andrea to deal with everything else.

Damian had been blaming himself for Myra's condition and saying that he was the one who shot her, ever since that day till this day and you cannot convince him otherwise. He believes it.
And I had spent all those months trying to find just how Myra got shot, I knew Damian would never be careless when it involved someone he truly valued and loved.

And now Andrea and I were going through the footage of that day. Although the cameras were distorted, we managed to fix it and we were now staring at the footage intently.

"Stop right there. Did you see that?" I asked Andrea who was also looking. I rewinded the footage.
"See," I said and Andrea looked at it and he nodded.
"She aimed at Griffin, but she missed him," I said. "And Griffin took it as a chance to shoot her just when Damian was shooting him," I said.
"Yeah, almost simultaneously, that you couldn't even notice a thing," Andrea said and I nodded in agreement.
"He shot at her when he was still standing, the bullet she got to the side of her heart, and the one she got on the lung he shot it when he was almost down," I said.
"Let's tell Damian about it," Andrea added.

Damian's Pov

It had been six months and My Myra had not yet woken up. I couldn't do anymore without her, but I try, the hope of her waking up any moment is what makes me want to live and see the next day.
Ever since that day, I felt like life had no meaning at all when she was not around, just when she is talking or laughing, or when she touches me, or when I kiss her. I just missed her so much. So much that I was gradually dying inside. Dying inside with guilt.

The first two months I had hope and I believed she would wake up. But when another month passed and another and another, I was starting to lose hope.
I had requested Dr. Murphy to let me get her home so that I could see her every day, and so that I could take care of her. I had prepared her room just beside mine.

I talk to her every day even if she wouldn't hear me, I tell her every day that I love her, I tell her every day that I was sorry for everything that had happened, for hurting her, for making her cry, for letting her go through the pain alone, for not being able to protect her as I promised, and I held her hand every day and I hoped I would feel a slight movement but there was none. Every day it was all the same.

I tell her a lot of things that I wished we could be able to talk to each other about. But being the only One talking, it was killing me.

"Boss, Enzo and Andrea want to see you." A servant came to tell me. I was sitting on a chair in Myra's room. I kissed her head and went to the office.
"What is it?" I asked the moment I reached the office.
Enzo turned the laptop that was in front of him to me.
"Why are you showing me this?" I asked not wanting to see what had happened. It was already enough that I was not able to forget about it. I turned the laptop in his direction.

"Just look at it Damian, carefully," Enzo said. I turned the laptop around and pushed all my emotions back and watched whatever was there fully concentrating on the screen.

I watched the footage and I rewinded. When I thought I did not see something correctly.

"That bastard shot her?" I asked. Still staring at the screen. They both nodded. "How did you find this footage?" I asked.
They went on to explain how they had been working on it since that time. I felt as if a weight had been removed from my shoulders. Although not all of it, I was glad that I did not shoot her and I wished that bastard was still alive so that I could put my hands on him again and make him go through the misery that Myra felt all over again.

I cursed running my hands through my hair, I had blamed myself for that and I didn't even know if she woke up I would be able to look her in the eyes every day. I closed the laptop and sat back in my chair.
"Thank you," I said to Enzo and Andrea.
"She will wake up Damian, just hold on," Enzo said patting me on the shoulders. I felt tears welling in my eyes.
"When? When will she wake up?" I asked, my voice shaking.
"She will, just have faith," Enzo said and I nodded there was nothing I could do now, I just had to wait, and have faith that she will one day wake up.

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