Twenty Four

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I had left early in the morning to meet with Enzo and Andrea to sort out the documents. The processing took longer than I thought. I saw Myra's call but I did not want anything that would make me change my mind.

When the processing was done, I returned home. I had missed her while I was away, her touch, scent, laughter, and her whole self. When I saw her in the kitchen, busy preparing dinner, I didn't know how I felt, maybe overwhelmed and I went ahead and just hugged her. She was everything that I needed.
Our dinner was going on well until she mentioned that she wanted to return to work.

I couldn't let her get close to Griffin. She did not know that we both are in the Mafia and I did not trust that Griffin would stay away from her. And there were other reasons. I wanted her to sign those documents. Those documents would be the only thing that would keep her protected and also near me.
For anyone that was not born in the Mafia, following the instructions put in the omerta was not easy and my heart went to Myra.
She would have to be branded as either mine or the organization's with either a tattoo or a burn mark. And of course, the contract cannot be broken under any circumstances.

According to my organization, there were other ways to make sure that the person who was not born in the Mafia wouldn't tell anyone, like putting the person on a test. These tests would involve kidnapping the person, putting them through torture, and also putting them through gun tests, where you are required to choose between your life or betraying the organization. Myra was new to all this and my heart cried for her. I pictured her going through all this and it made my heart ache. I could have let her go and end everything we have, but I was soo selfish. I couldn't tell her all of that and we ended up arguing. 

After a while, I went to the bedroom. I found her sleeping but she was looking at the other side. Normally we would go to bed together and cuddle with each other until we all fall asleep. I climbed on the bed and put my hand on her waist.
"I am so sorry," I whispered and placed a kiss on her tear-stained cheek.


Myra came for breakfast after some time, and I was standing at the kitchen island with a pen and the documents.
"Good morning." She said taking a cup and pouring in some tea.
"Hi," I said. "There is something I want you to sign Myra," I said handing her the papers and the pen.
She hesitated at first but took them. She removed the papers from the file.
I saw her confused look and her eyes scanning the papers. She flipped to the next pages furiously.
"What... What is this?" She asked with widened eyes.
"It's true whatever you have read, I run a Mafia organization and since you've known about it, you have to sign those papers," I said. I wish there was another way of doing this. There was but I wasn't courageous enough.
Myra threw the papers on the counter.
"The Mafia? And.. And... Now I am your property. Why didn't you tell me before, Damian, something about the Mafia?" She asked.
"I didn't think it was something you had to know until it came to this," I said and she looked at me.
"To this? What is?" She asked.
"Okay Myra, please relax and let me explain, just hear me out alright," I said and she nodded. I appreciated that. It could be because of the skills she had as a therapist. I explained everything to her, starting with her fiancee Griffin or Jordan, and everything the contract stipulated.
When I finished, she was just quietly seated. Just the rapid blinking of her eyes.
"Baby, say something," I said, shaking her but it seemed like she was not with me. Her eyes were almost closing and she was about to faint.
"No, no, no Myra, stay with me," I said. Patting her cheeks and blowing some air on her face. I went to the kitchen and took a glass of water and sprinkled some on her face and her neck.
This was too much for her. Knowing her Fiancee was someone else, and also the information about my and his involvement in the Mafia and also the documents she needed to sign. I had thought of canceling the part about putting the person to the test and thought of her just getting a tattoo, it would be easier.

She regained awareness shortly. She pushed me away from her, and it hurt me. I did this to protect her, but it was hurting me and also her. She went to stand at the widows, she was quiet for a while and I just waited patiently for her to start talking. She walked to the counter and took the papers and the pen.

"I'll sign the contracts if you promise me that I will not go through all those testing I can manage a tattoo." She said. I was relieved she agreed to do that.
"Of course baby, I will make sure of it," I said feeling a bit better at the turn of situations.
"There is something else." She said. I nodded anticipating.
"If I can't go back to work and my house, I need somewhere to stay." She said. I froze.
"I.. Why... You don't have to leave... You can stay... Here... With me." I said. Feeling my heartbeat rate increasing.
She wanted to leave. It was my fault anyway if I hadn't been so selfish, but it would have still hurt me if I let her go.
She put her sign on the papers and handed the papers back to me.
"No, I need some space to adjust and maybe think about things." She said, wiping a tear on her cheek.
"I.. Myra..."
"Damian, please." She said and I nodded. I took my phone out and texted Enzo and told him to arrange a place for Myra, not too far away from mine, I just wanted her close.
I walked close to her and I was glad she did not stop me.
"Can I hug you?" I asked her and she nodded. The moment I put my arms around her, she started crying.
"It's okay, baby it's going to be okay, I promise you," I said rubbing her back. "I am sorry to have put you in all this," I said it hurt me that she was crying because of me and I hoped that whatever I had decided, will keep her safe from Griffin.


Later Enzo and Andrea came and we accompanied Myra to her place, I gave her a new cellphone and told her if she needed anything she should not hesitate.
It hurt me that she was far from me, but whatever she wanted at the moment. She settled in and we left.

"Are you falling in love with her?" Andrea's question returned me from my thoughts.
"I think so," I said, not giving it a thought because that is what I felt. The love I had for her was increasing day by day.
"It's obvious, the way you just want her to stay," Enzo said from the driver's seat.

It was true, since I met her, I felt like I was born again, I felt myself beginning to love again and it was an incredible feeling. To love and to be loved back. I just hoped that when she said she wanted to think about things, she did not mean to terminate our relationship. If she did that, I am sure it would wreck my body and soul. But I just had to give her time and space. I sighed.

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