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The rain was still pouring, when I woke up, I was thankful, Damian had placed another cover on me and put on the heater.
I checked the watch on the table and it was nine o'clock in the morning, I looked for my phone but it seemed I had left it in the car.

I lay there on the bed and recalled what had taken place last night. Damian's mouth and hands, all over me, how his touches felt, how his kisses felt, and how he had felt when he was inside me, it was incredible, it felt like many fireworks were going off inside of me.

I wanted to kiss him forever. I was not thinking of anything else at that time, not Jordan, not what my lovemaking with Damian meant, and I did not even think about the mess I had created and put myself in. All I knew was that I had enjoyed kissing him, touching him and I wanted more of him, I wanted his sweat to drop on me, I wanted to feel his weight on me and push him further into me.
Oh God, the scent, and the feel and the taste of him. I wanted it all, all over again.

But I had to deal with my problems first with Jordan, he was a good man but our relationship was not going anywhere, I did not feel like I had any love for him, and I cannot spend the rest of my life with someone I don't want, forever is a long time to be miserable.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower, I saw my clothes had been folded and I smiled at the gesture. I took Damian's shirt that was on the chair and put it on instead. I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where I heard something going on. I stood at the door taking in the attractive man that stood with his back facing me.
"Good morning," I said and Damian turned to look at me, he walked to me and placed a kiss on my forehead, and I blushed.
"Good morning." He said. "How did you sleep?" He asked. Pulling out a chair for me to sit on and placing a plate of pancakes and juice in front of me.
"I slept well," I said, smiling.
"I am glad you did, and you look amazing in my shirt." He said winking at me, and slipped on the chair beside me. I couldn't help smiling. I ate the pancakes he had made, they were flavorsome.
"Damian, since you are not in my office, tell me more about yourself," I said, placing my cup down and facing him. He did the same.
"I do not know where to start, but I am a businessman, and I deal with a variety of things." He said.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Clothing, for example." He said pointing at the initials DFl stamped on the shirt I was wearing.
"It's my clothing line, Damian Ferrera line." He said.
We went on talking about his family and his younger days, and he told me a little bit about his wife, how they fell in love, got married, and eventually divorced, and also how he got to build up all the businesses he said he was running.

"So who is your fiancee?" He asked.
"He is also a businessman, always out of the country," I said sipping my coffee. He nodded. We did not talk a lot about him which I was glad for, otherwise, the rest of the day went on well, we talked, cooked, kissed, and also laughed, it was wholesome.


"I am leaving now," I said taking my keys.
"Here, take this, " Damian said handing me a jacket to put on top of my sweater. It was still cold but the rain had stopped pouring. He walked me to my car. He held the door for me.
"I'll be seeing you often?" He asked. I wanted to see him as often as possible but I had to first talk to Jordan.
"I would love to see you frequently, but I have to first talk to Jordan, explain things to him, and also tell him my true feelings," I said and he nodded.
"I understand." He said. I stood on my toes and placed a light kiss on his lips, he put his arms around my waist and pulled me in, deepening the kiss.
"Damian," I said pulling away, if it went on, I wouldn't be able to get home. I said my goodbyes and drove back home.


I checked my phone and I saw that I had missed calls from Jordan, I did not bother to return the calls, at the time but I promised to do that later.
I arrived home, opened the door, got inside, and leaned on the door. I closed my eyes and inhaled Damian's scent that was on the jacket.

"My love, you are home."

I opened my eyes and saw Jordan standing at the top of the stairs,
"Jordan? I did not know you were coming." I said collecting myself. He walked down the stairs.
" I wanted to surprise you." He said. "You are not happy to see me?" He asked pulling me into a hug.
"It's not that, you just said you won't be coming any time soon," I said returning the hug awkwardly.
"Oh, and I found this." He said handing me my ring. I hesitated before taking it.
"Oh, yeah I forgot to put it on," I said.
"My love, why are you not happy? I am here now." Jordan said.
I nodded.
"I have never seen you with that jacket before." He said, inspecting me.
"I.. I, I got it from my friend," I said. Avoiding eye contact with him. He nodded. I went to the kitchen and made some tea for us. I handed him a cup.
He told me he had arrived early in the morning, and he was back because there was a business meeting that would be taking place there, and that is why he was back to get prepared for that.

"I want us to talk about our relationship," I said, getting up from my seat.
"I feel like things have changed between us and I don't feel like I want this relationship anymore, when you were away I thought about things, and I concluded that I do not want to spend the rest of my life with someone I am not sure if my feelings are true to them," I said and waited for his reaction. Jordan was quiet, he put his cup down and looked at me.
"Is that so? What made you have second thoughts about our relationship Myra?" He asked.
"I met someone else," I said, not hesitating, I was sure about how I felt with and about Damian, and also Jordan, he was not the right person for me.
Jordan laughed. "You met someone, and you changed your mind because of him?" He asked.
"It's not because of him Jordan, it's me, he had nothing to do with why I don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore," I said. Jordan stood up from his seat.
"So, the time I was away you were out here enjoying your precious time with your newfound lover? And oh, you got that jacket from him too? And you have the guts to tell me to my face that you had been cheating on me this whole time?" He yelled.
"Jordan, I was not going to hide from you. I just can't be with you, it's not what I want and I am not happy, I am always thinking about you, where you are, and what you are doing and it's wearing me out, I do not want that, it's already enough that I am going through this when we are engaged. How about when we are married? I thought about my future and what I want and this is not what I want, and you also." I said.
Jordan started pacing around the room, and he suddenly threw the cup of coffee at me and I was not able to dodge it, the cup hit me on the forehead. I screamed and I moved to the other side of the room.
"Jordan please calm down," I said, tears welling up in my eyes and blood dripping from my forehead.
Jordan moved to where I was, I was about to run but he was quick, he held me by the hand and shoved me to the wall. He pushed me to the wall, his legs pressed between my thighs. He pinned my hands on top of my head and held them tightly.
"Who is he? Myra," He whispered hoarsely. "Tell me who he is!" He yelled.
He moved his hands to my neck and started choking me.
"Jor... Jordan, stop, you... Stop... It." I said but he did not let go so I brought my knees between his legs, freed myself from his hold, and ran outside, I went to open my car door but I had run without my car keys. I cursed but I did not stop, tears were now streaming down my face. I had him calling out my name but I did not look back I just ran, ran to somewhere.

I appreciate you coming this far!!
I love you.
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