Twenty Eight

68 4 1

Myra's pov

When Damian left, I felt like the world was closing its doors and I felt a tightening sentiment in my chest. I was left alone in this room with Jordan, he could hurt me that is one thing I was sure of and although Damian had given me his gun, I did not know how to use it, but I prayed to the heavens that he would not try to do anything.

"I missed you," Griffin said. I just nodded and proceeded to sit as far away from him.
"I came to return something," I said digging into my pocket and taking out the ring he had given me for our engagement, and placing it on the table. He looked at it. I held the gun in my other hand, and the metal thing was heavy.

"When were you planning on telling me about yourself?" I asked.
He shrugged. "To be honest my love, not until we got married." He said. I shook my head.
"I love you Myra, and I didn't want you to leave me if I told you at the beginning." He added.
"You lied about yourself, you lied to me for all the times and years we had been together," I said. "You almost killed me, Jordan," I added.
"I am so sorry, my love I didn't mean to do that, I just got angry and I reacted that way, but I promise I will never do that to you again." He said.
I had heard a lot about that in my career life and I knew people like him don't easily change, don't change at all.
"Don't call me your love, I am not your love and I don't want anything from you or to do with you and I don't ever want to see you again in my life," I said.
Honestly, I had nothing to tell this man and I did not want him to go on and on about how he was sorry, or how he would change.
Griffin looked at me with widened eyes.
"You are leaving me for him!" He yelled.
"No, not for him, it's for me, I am doing this for me," I said. "I don't love you anymore and I want you to just let me live my own life," I said.
"No, Myra I am not letting that happen, No!" He yelled again slamming his hands on the table. I held onto the gun tightly, I  was shaking. Griffin raised his gun and shot at the ceiling, I got out of my chair covering my ears and closing my eyes and I  did not realize that I had dropped the gun. I felt Griffin's hands gripping me by the neck and shoving me onto the wall, and my head hit the wall forcefully. He had his gun pointed at me.
"You think I would let you go that easily? I spent weeks looking for you Myra, I was going crazy when I couldn't find you when I knew you were hurt and walking down the streets, but all along you were sharing a bed with Him!" He yelled in my face. He wrapped his hands around my neck and I felt them tightening around. I gasped for air, and my nails scratched his hands but he did not release or loosen his hold.
I couldn't get free from his hold, my hands went immediately to the side of my dress and removed the knife Damian had given me. I drove it into his side, he groaned and let go of my neck.
"You little.." He said. I shoved him off of me. I was about to run when he held me by the hair and pulled me back and I landed on the table,  hitting my head the second time. He pinned my hands on top of my head and brought his mouth down to mine aggressively, I tried to pull away but he did not even budge, he started kissing my neck and made bites making me scream.
"Shit, You smell like him!" He yelled.

There were loud bangs on the door but the door was locked.
"Get off of me!" I yelled pushing him with all my might and he staggered. He was hurt by the injury of the knife. I brought my hands down in a punch and punched him in the face as hard as I could manage. I ran to where Damian's gun was and pointed it at him, my head was spinning from all the hitting it had got but still I managed.

"Jordan if you move... I.. Will kill you." I said. My hand was shaking now as I pointed the gun at him.
"You wouldn't do that, you don't even know how to use that thing." He said with a laugh, he was now standing up.
"Jordan I do not want to kill you!" I said loudly. But he was still moving towards me.
"Myra, you belong to me, with me as my wife. And letting you go is the last thing I want to do." He said slowly.
"Jordan please stop," I begged him. He did not listen he fastened his pace towards me and I did not hesitate, I pulled the trigger with my eyes closed, and I felt blood spattering on me, two times, and a body hitting the ground with force. I did not open my eyes not wanting to see what had occurred and because of the pain I felt in two spots. I also felt warm liquid flowing from the two spots.
I had been shot, guess I was slow. Tears of pain welled in my closed eyes and they started streaming down I did not move, it felt like I was frozen for a moment. But I was becoming weak and my body couldn't hold on anymore, I dropped the gun as well as the will to continue standing and I fell to the ground. I did not feel any pain when my head hit the floor.
It was getting cold. Really cold.

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