Night one

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"Well, here we are." I slid my shoes off and closed the door behind her as she took hers off as well. "Your room is- "

"On the right down the hall..." she said quietly. I hadn't noticed the way she had been looking around at the living area that we were standing in. I brushed that off as someone checking out a new place that they had never been, but this was much more than that once I did notice it. "Everything is the same..." She had moved toward the couch and ran a hand over the back of it.

"Um...are you alright Sakura?" I didn't want to be rude about it, seeing the way she was focused on the details of everything she could see. It seemed like she was surprised, but then again, she assumed she was stuck in some sort of Genjutsu so it made a lot of sense. Generally, details are lacking in a simple Genjutsu because the caster has a specific reasoning for it. Why have details like the way a cushion is stitched or dust on books when you're trying to drive someone mad?

She hadn't responded right away but turned and nodded finally. "I can find my own way with things. The nurses cleaned up my clothing so I'll be fine for the night but...can I take a shower?" I didn't even think about how miserable her body must feel after being in the hospital unconscious for days. A hot shower might improve her mood along with the pain I knew she was in still. Showers did wonders for mental and physical trauma, and nobody could convince me otherwise.

"Of course." I said with a small smile. I was trying so hard to keep everything professional and calm so what happened earlier at the hospital didn't happen again. I liked my peace and quiet, but when I didn't have it, I liked things to be calm at the least. "Would you like something to eat for when you're done?" My attitude must have been influencing hers because she just shook her head politely, which was a very big difference from just a few hours ago thankfully. She really did remind me of Lady Tsunade, so I was pretty convinced that she at least knew the woman at some point.

"I just want to go to bed". She had already begun to go and grab what she needed out of a cabinet outside of the bathroom door where the towels were kept. I waited until she slid the door closed before going to change out of the clothes I had on during my mission. I was so excited to just put on something comfortable and relaxing. I made myself some hot tea and sat down on the couch when I finished it, yawning and putting my feet up on the coffee table in front of me. I couldn't help but think about how odd this girl was with the way she acted, the memories she apparently had, and who knows what else I would find out about her. I did have to remember though that she was in a strange situation just like I was.

I could hear her humming in the shower and let it take me into a daze, not really falling asleep but nodding in and out of sleep for sure. I hadn't even noticed that it had stopped until I felt her kick my legs off the table and jolt me fully awake. Her pink hair was still damp and matted on each side of her face as she brushed the back of it. "You didn't need to stay up and wait for me. I told you I know what I'm doing".

"Who said I'm waiting on you? Maybe I was just unwinding in my own living room". I said it a bit snarky, but then again, I was a crabby person when woken up, even I wouldn't deny that. I got a look from her that just screamed trouble and I felt like I should regret the decision to speak that way. What a strange feeling to have...She simply huffed and walked past. I was expecting something more based on what she had behaved like before, but all she did was go down the hallway and disappear into the guest bedroom and shut the door loudly like a very clearly irritated woman who wanted nothing more to do with me for the day. I promised the Hokage that I would be professional and could handle this without any intervention, although her attitude had me ready to ship her off to the interrogation core already. Instead of losing my cool though I went to my own room, maybe closing the door a little too loudly to match her energy. I crawled into bed and tucked the big blanket under my chin, getting comfortable for the first time all week. I didn't expect her to socialize with me any time soon, but if she continued to show Minato the respect that he deserved I wouldn't complain much about it. It wasn't long before I was into a deep sleep, one that didn't bring nightmares of Rin or Obito...but a man with scars covering his body, that terrifying eye of his plaguing my mind for the first time since I had seen him years ago.

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