Meet the family

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"Is Lord Fourth always this laid back? He seems like he has no worries even when everyone around him is rushing around like the world is ending." Sakura asked, she had been very obviously intrigued by Minato's demeanor since she got here and even going into his office. The man had a smile on his face while the hallways beyond his office was full of commotion still from earlier in the week.

I chuckled a little. "He's very stressed, that's why he seems so care-free. You see, unless there is imminent danger in front of him, he always has that smile on his face." Or unless it was just him and Kakashi having a decompression session. Then the real emotions would show on the man's face.  She seemed to accept the answer, although her face was still full of confusion. "Why? Is that not the way your Hokage is?" I tried to push a little for some information. She had mentioned Lady Tsunade being Hokage briefly to the both of us, but nothing further since.  She shook her head and said nothing further about 'her world' as I had decided to refer to it as.

We walked in silence down the long steps to the main street, the sun making it a bit muggy outside as if it had rained the night before, which meant we were probably in for a storm this evening. I kept my hands in my pockets, acting like nothing out of the ordinary was happening while we went through the streets which became more and more alive as the morning had progressed.

"You know, you don't have to tell me anything, but it might help us get you where you need to go". I said, but almost immediately she went to speak, and I interrupted her. "Even if you still believe this is a Genjutsu". I knew that would be what she would say and because she didn't continue to try and respond but simply nodded and kept walking told me I was right. I probably wasn't going to figure out much about her or her world any time soon.

I had already told her that I had errands to run, so I kept leading her through the village without explaining much of what we were doing next. I wasn't a huge fan of bringing her along with me, but not much could be done about that. "Do I need to remind you of how to act today, or do you get the idea?" I asked her a bit coldly. "I know you don't think that any of this is real, but it is for me. I would like to keep the peace in my life peaceful."

I heard her footsteps stop behind me. "I haven't even said anything out of line all morning so why are you assuming I'm going to start going crazy?" Her voice was dripping with annoyance. "You do realize that this situation could be potentially dangerous for me too, right? I'm not an idiot, even if you seem to think I'm some crazy weirdo as you've mentioned a few times".

I turned only my head and looked at her when she finished speaking. "I'm being thorough, Sakura. You are my mission, nothing more. You will be treated the same way as anyone who would be under my protection or watchful eye. None of what I say from this point out is personal or should be consider an attack on your character, understand?"

She narrowed her eyes at me. "I understand, but do not treat me as if I am a child. We're the same age and although you're a Jonin you have made it clear that you aren't my Sensei...and if I wanted to, I could probably take you in a fight at this age". She gave me a once over before nodding her head as if satisfied with her assumption.

I continued walking, rolling my eyes when I looked away. I would let her have this small victory if it meant I was spared more arguing and attitude. Giving her this would almost guarantee my day to be made a little bit easier. She clearly needed some control to feel normal, I was used to that with Rin anyway.


The all too familiar booming voice of Gai came from road behind us. I was tempted to take off to try and lose him, but I knew it would just become a race and with Sakura, who's eyes had widened before moving to stand behind me, was with me and I wasn't about to subject her to that just yet. "Are you afraid?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow, looking at her over my shoulder.

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