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I leaped forward pulling out three shuriken from my pouch with my left hand sending them flying toward Minato-Sensei, just as quickly he deflected them and flickered out of sight momentarily, using the thick forest to his advantage.

"So, you noticed, did you? What gave it away". A handful of kunai came flying out of the forest, I ducked, jumped and dodged the first four. The last one grazed the side of my right shoulder.

"AGH". I winced from the pain, it cut deeper than I thought it would, blood already soaking my ripped shirt.

"Kakashi!" Rin started to run toward me before Obito grabbed her arm. "No Rin you can't go over there." He insisted.

I looked over to her, I could see the fear and confusion in her eyes. "I'm alright Rin, you and Obito need to prepare for a battle, this isn't our Sensei". They both understood and took defensive positioning.

"You want to fight? You could easily just run away, I know my way back to Konoha without you, this body will just make it easier to return". A group of shuriken flew out of the trees from behind us. I dodged again, this time making sure to count as they flew at me. Why is he only attacking me?

His voice was coming from what seemed like every direction. I couldn't pinpoint the location. I glanced over at Rin from the corner of my eye, she noticed it too and was already working on finding the coordinates as Obito kept guard over her. "There!" she pointed just slightly to the left of where I was facing. I threw my two remaining kunai where she had said, the figure appeared behind me almost instantly with that evil smile on his face.

My eyes met his as I turned on my heel ready to attack, instantly I froze, I couldn't move a muscle. I stood there with my whole body, paralyzed.

His eye...

I had never seen eyes like his, one was the blue of Minato-Sensei's and the other... it wasn't a sharingan or any variation that I had ever seen in the Uchiha clan. It was red where they should have been white, a white circle with spirals surrounded a sky-blue pupil that almost looked like light was protruding from it.

"O-o-obito..." I couldn't get my words out. I could see him from the corner of my eye, his own eyes overcome with fear. "No...Kakashi" he stammered "That is not a sharingan eye...". I don't think that any of us had ever seen anything like this. Not only did both of his eyes strike fear into the pit of my soul, but the blood lust is what disturbed me the most.

"How dare you do this to our sensei!" I gasped. The air felt thick, I could barely breathe. I needed to snap out of it, we had no chance if I didn't do something.

FIRE STYLE, FIRE BALL JUTSU...Obito shot a large streaming ball of fire at the impostor who dodged the attack before it even fully formed. I could move again.

"Kakashi I think that he can manipulate movement or at the least paralyze people with that eye". Rin said. That was good to know, at least it wasn't just because I was afraid of him, that makes the fight a little easier.

The imposter reappeared behind Obito this time, a kunai pressed against his throat. "OBITO!" Rin jumped away slightly so that she couldn't be caught as well. "Don't move Obito we'll help you". She said.

The man looked at her with those piercing evil eyes. Suddenly she wasn't moving at all. "How do you expect to do that little girl".

"STOP IT LET THEM GO". I yelled without even thinking. I shouldn't have done that, I needed to keep my cool or else we had no chance. I closed my eyes to focus for a moment, I needed to feel my chakra and control it. I was still working on perfecting my Chidori, I was fast, but I knew I wasn't fast enough to catch this man.

Where is Minato-Sensei?

"What did you do with him, where is he?" I said calmly, my eyes still closed. I didn't know how many people he could control at once, but I wasn't taking any chances. I had no idea how his power worked, but this was the best idea I could come up with.

He chuckled and it sent a chill down my spine. "He won't be joining us for some time I'm afraid". I could feel his eyes on me now. I steadied my breathing, trying to focus and not panic. My eyes began to slowly open.


I had no control over this movement, I was not opening them...he was doing it for me.

I had to watch as he pushed the kunai harder against Obito's throat, blood started to drip down the end of the knife and onto the ground. Rin was crying, the tears flowing down her face and dripping to the ground. "Obito..." she could barely speak but she got those words out.

I had to do something, he was going to kill him, and all I could do was just stand there and watch. Obito never lost his composure, I had never seen him so calm. "Kakashi, take Rin and get out of here, don't worry about me". He spoke as if he had made up his mind the minute that he was captured.

"Oh, no..." the man said as he removed the kunai from Obito's throat. He licked the blood from his blade before pulling Obito by his short spikey brown hair and tossing him in front of Rin forcefully. "You are not what I want boy".

The man started walking toward me. Never removing his eyes from mine. I could feel beads of sweat dripping down my face as he got closer with every step. I couldn't move. "They are just toys for me to play with". The blood lust in his eyes seemed to grow stronger as he reached just a few steps in front of me.

"I want you Kakashi Hatake".

Everything was fuzzy. I felt like I was going to be sick with how tight the knot in my stomach was. Was I fearing death right now? I had encountered the possibility of death before, but I didn't feel like this. What I was feeling right now was completely new to me and I couldn't handle it. My vision started to fade slightly, like I was going to pass out.

"Tsk, Tsk." He said. I could see him clearly, but the world behind him seemed to fade. I could hardly see Rin leaning over Obito who was kneeling on the ground. She was healing the wound on his throat, glancing in my direction every few seconds. "KAKASHI YOU NEED TO FIGHT BACK". Obito screamed to me.

I couldn't move.

"This would be more fun if I let you go, the Uchiha boy is right". He paused for a moment before letting me out of his strange paralysis technique. I fell to my knees with my hands against the wet ground coughing as if I hadn't been breathing for quite some time, as if I had been drowning.

"Get to your feet Hatake...We are just getting started".

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Love y'all! P.S. picture will be updated as soon as I draw the villain myself.

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