Unexpected Crush

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"When are they gonna start?"

"What's taking so long?"

"It's freezing. Lend me your coat-"


"Finally!It looks so cool!"

This was the only time people would gather outside in the freezing cold just to look up at the sky.
Bonfire night.
And this applied to stray kids as well. They each had their own reason to come outside and look at the colour filled canvas.
"Hyung doesn't it look pretty!" Jisung said as he stared into the night sky. Which in response Leeknow nodded.
But how come the sky Leeknow was looking at wasn't the same for Jisung. How come Leeknow's sky wasn't above him but next to him.


Leeknow and Jisung had been together since middle school. It all started when Jisung first transferred to seoul international school.

"Good morning everyone, today we have a new student who has been homeschooled up until now so could you please give him a warm welcome and help him settle into our school?" The teacher delightfully introduced.

"Yes miss!" Jisung's future class mates said together.

Jisung was dressed in dungarees with his (just about long enough) hair tied into a ponytail.
As the teacher left the class, Jisung went to his assigned seat but he kept hearing mumbling.

"Why is he wearing that?"

"Right. Isn't it for girls-"

"Why's his hair tied back?"

Jisung's eyes started to fill up. He didn't want to cry on the first day!
"What's wrong with what he's wearing-" shouted a voice in the middle of the class room.
He walked up to Jisung who was unable to carry on walking to his seat. The boy then took the hair tie from Jisung's hair and proceeded to tie his own hair up.
"It's in my eyes. You dont mind do you?" the boy said with a small smile. Jisung nodded and introduced himself.

"I'm Jisung. Han Jisung."

"I'm Minho. Lee Minho."

After their interaction the class went back to their conversations, and didn't bother Jisung again. Jisung and Leeknow became much more closer becoming known as the hair tie duo and after they graduated high school, they joined the same entertainment company together. Over the years they were inseparable.


As the chaos in the sky went on, Jisung and Leeknow told the rest of the members they were going off to find somewhere to eat.

"Guy's , we'll call once we find a place!" Jisung said, trying to overtake the noise.

"Okay!" yelled Bangchan.

"Make sure you wrap up! Especially you Hannie" Hyunjin said which made Jisung smile.

"Make sure the restaurant has soju*! tonights the perfect night for it!" Changbin sung with a little rhythm.

"Okay okay- See you all soon!" Jisung waved whilst signalling Leeknow that they should start going before the restaurants close.

On the way there Minho and Jisung made some small talk mostly just talking about how nice late night walks are. Leeknow had his arm around Jisung which was normal for "brothers" to do right? Jisung held Leeknows hand whilst they walked in unison.

As they were walking Leeknow could feel that Jisung had some thing to say. "What is it?"

"Huh?" said Jisung who was lost in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" insisted Leeknow

"Hyung, you know how its been three years since our debut?"

"Yes~" replied leeknow.

"And that after three years we can start dating.."

Leeknow paused. 'Was Jisung? No- Okay just keep calm Minho. The day has finally come' Leeknow thought, whilst also thinking of a way to keep the conversation going. "Yes.."

"Well you might have already caught on so i think its time I should tell you now."

'It's really happening! He likes me ba-'

"I think I like mina"



Authors note:
*soju- alcoholic beverage
I thought I would try wattpad out-
I wanna see if this helps with school and it seems interesting but fingers crossed I don't get bored of it by next week :(
I'll try post every Friday although it doesn't seem like its enough..
Please carry on reading!

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