Han River

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"What do you mean hyung?" Seungmin yelled from the breakfast table. Leeknow rushed into the room in a panic.

"I went in and he wasn't there! Where would he go at this time? We need to find him, let's get ready! hurry~!" cried as he was rushing his shoes onto his feet.

"Hyung calm down, hes not a child and he couldn't have gone far. We will find him soon.." Changbin reassured Leeknow.
As much as Leeknow tried, he couldn't help but think about where Han would be and how he could have been the cause of Jisungs dissaperance.

"Lets go in small groups so we stay safe-" but Leeknow was out of the door alone before Bangchan could finish his sentence.
"I guess we go without him?.." 


Bangchan and Hyunjin, Felix and Changbin, Seungmin and Jeongin all went out to look for Jisung and also Leeknow who left suddenly as well.

As Leeknow walked through the street, he tried to think of every place that Han had felt a connection with. His first stop was a nearby café which they had been to together many times. As Minho stepped inside he was welcomed with the smell of pastries. 
Instantly he felt warm inside, remebering all their memories. Reminding himself of why he was there, he looked around the café in seek for Jisung. but to his dismay, he wasn't there. 'I will find you Hannie..' Leeknow thought, leaving the café.


Jisung walked along Han River enjoying the morning breeze brushing over him. He reflected all that has happened over the past few days and especially the fight he had with Leeknow.
Lately he has been feeling strange around him.
With his feelings.
He wondered if he could actually be developing feelings for Leeknow, the person who had been a brother figure his whole life. 
He sat with his head in his hands as he tried to organise his thoughts.
'Hyung what does this mean for us?'


The SKZ members looked all over the city for Han in places they think he might be in but none of them could find him or Leeknow.

As Leeknow thought about meeting up with the others he saw a familliar figure in the distance. "Jisungie?.." Minho whispered.
Instantly, He started running towards Han who still hadn't noticed Leeknow. He ran with only one thing in sight.
As Leeknow approached Han, Han turned around and felt Leeknows body on his.
"We have been looking for you all morning! When did you leave? Don't ever leave me again Jisung!" Leeknow yelled all at once.

"Hyung? What.." Han said in confusion.

Leeknow leant out of the hug to face Han whilst still clinging on.
"I like you, so please don't leave.." and Leeknow pulled Han into a kiss.

Author's note:
so cute right??
i mean i tried to add in some action yk
and leeknow as very much giving ACTION!
Han is finally in realisation if his feelings! was it leeknow who woke him up??
well i guess you will need to read on~
i promise it gets good 😉

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