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Han paused as he was invited by a kiss. He felt his cheeks flush as it continued. Butterflies crowded his stomach.
Suddenly in the distance a yell was heard from afar.
"Oh, Leeknow already found Hanji?!" Hyunjin yelled attracting the attention of the other SKZ, and Leeknow and Jisung.

Leeknow pulled from the kiss as quick as possible without the others noticing that anything was going on with them.
In shock, Han stood trying to process what had happened. The skz came over and Leeknow walked away.
"Han we have been looking.. Oh where's Leeknow hyung going?" Felix asked as Leeknow passed by.

"I'll get him. Yah, hyung wait for me!" Changbin yelled.

"What happened with you and Leeknow" Bangchan asked.

"Nothing. He only just found me.." and Han walked off too.

"Hyung, are you still going to carry on walking?" Changbin huffed, clearly out of breath.
"What went on between you two?" Changbin asked in spontaneously.

"I kissed him." Leeknow opened up, taking a hault in his speed walk.

"Huh? Like for real? I mean go you I guess." Changbin chuckeld to ease the mood being somewhat flustered.

"He didn't kiss back though.." Leeknow added keeping his head down.

"Oh.. Well maybe he was just flustered, I mean you did just kiss him.." Changbin concluded. "Hyung let's go back and you can think it over better.."


As they arrived home, Leeknow was planning on talking to Han but Han walked straight past him and went to his room instead.
"Give him some time.." Changbin whispered who happened to notice Hans behaviour.

Their schedule was in a few hours so Leeknow wanted to make sure that everything was fine between them before it. After a while, Leeknow thought Han had enough time thinking it over.
"I can't wait like this!." he whispered to himself and he went over to Hans room.


Han sat recollecting his thoughts and the scene of Leeknow kissing him kept replaying in his mind.
The more he thought about it, an increase in his heart rate started to form.
"Why do you make me feel this way hyung?" Han whispered to himself as he fell back into his bed.

All of a sudden Leeknow came into the room which interrupted Hans proccessing. They both stared into eachothers eyes as if they both knew what needed to be done: "I think we should talk."

Author's note:

well this took me time to make...
shame on me for keeping you waiting this long 😔
please forgive me 🤞
i wonder how they will come to good terms again?
leeknow really seems lost but han even more 🏃‍♀️
keep on reading as it gets good 😉

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