Testing The Water

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The boys were told they had another challenge to do: Pool Volleyball. They all got changed for the game. They went towards the pool; Leeknow sat next to Han giving eachother friendly smiles.
"If you fail this challenge, the losers will get a punishment which you can discuss amongst yourselves." the skz  staff said as they introduced the task.

"How about the losers get the ball thrown at their backs by the winners?" Jeongin suggested.

"Ooooo our Jeongin-ie is soo smart!" Changbin teased. The rest of them laughed in agreement.

"Well then, lets get into teams?" Bangchan said.

As they were sorting it out, Leeknow brushed his foot towards Jisung's. 'Let's test the water..' he thought. As he edged his foot next to Han's , Han didn't move his own away. He sat there as if nothing was happening. Leeknow looked at Hans face with curiosity. "Hyung, lets go!" Jisung smiled at Leeknow. Leeknow gazed into Jisung's eyes which were pulling him into a trance.

"Yah I want to be on Jisungs team!" Leeknow said still looking Hans way.

"What? Hyung we have already made the teams." Seungmin said shaking his head.

"Oh why didn't anyone ask who I wanted to be with?" Leeknow complained.

"Well you were too busy doing something else.." Changbin said lowkey teasing him.

"It's fine hyung. I'll still cheer you on!" Han comforted him.

"Ummm no you won't!" Hyunjin said competitively.

"Guy's get into your teams then!" Bangchan yelled from the pool.

Hans team consisted of: Felix, Hyunjin and Bangchan.
Seungmins team consisted of: Leeknow, Changbin and Jeongin.
Han and Seungmin stood on the side of the pool to cheer on their teams.
"Fighting!" Seungmin yelled.

"Haeyaji!" his team mates yelled back in unison.

"Wooo! go team.." Han yelled trying to give his team encouragement however his team didn't seem much into it.

Author's Note:
Ahhhhh! so i have made it to 100 reads!!
This is very excitinggg. However it did take me quite a while to write this chapter. Im gonna be real i was a little confused on how to carry it on. But now im back on track! 🤩
School is starting soon and this is my final year.. I do want to write more chapters which are pre made so i can release them even when i am studying really hard but do i have the determination??
i guess we will have to let the future take charge! 🤷‍♀️

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