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"Okay, Han and Leeknow, you're on washing up duty while Lix and I will start preparing the soup for the others!" Changbin said delightfully. Felix grinned while Minho and Han groaned.
Changbin and Felix vlogged themselves preapring the soup whilst Han and Leeknow started with the washing up. Leeknow was on washing duty with Han doing the drying.

As Leeknow was finishing up with washing the dishes, he jokingly put bubbles onto Jisungs nose. "Yah hyung-" Han was interupyed with more soap being put onto his nose. "Minho hyung, you want to play that game hmm?" Han took some bubble and smeared it onto Leeknow face, laughing. He took more and put it onto his chin. Leeknow and Han laughed, playing in the background of the vlog .


"..and we are done!!" Felix said to the camera. He walked over to Minho and Han who were still playing with the bubbles.
"Guys, what are you doing? We need to wake the others up now, the soups ready!" Felix said in a hurry.
"Okok-" Minho said catching his breath.


Jisung and Minho cleaned up and made their way to the others rooms, waking them up to tell them "dinner" was ready.
Bangchan, Seungmin, Jeongin and Hyunjin all came out of their rooms tired but willing to try the food they had made for them.

As the leader, Bangchan decided to take the first taste. His eye twitched- "Mmm" he said, his voice shaking.
For some reason, without hesitation, the others tried the soup as well. "What did you put in this?-" Jeongjin said disgusted. Seungmin nudged him .

"It has a very unique taste to it!.." Seungmin said trying to cover up what in he said. "Here, you should really try it!.." Seungmin schemed. 'If we have to taste it so do you' he thought.

Han, Leeknow, Changbin and Felix went to get their own spoons to taste the seaweed soup. Felix took the first taste with Changbin following after. They both pulled the same disgusted look on their faces, realizing the seaweed soup was more like seawater soup. Han started to get intruiged and took a taste himself. When the taste hit him, he dropped his spoon and ran over to the sink to wash the taste out his mouth.

Leeknow decided instead of using his own spoon he would use Han's spoon to taste the soup. He looked around to see if anyone was watching.
Everyone was doing something so he took the chance. Even though it tasted bad leeknow could bare it because han had used the same spoon. This indirect kiss made him smile.
"What are you smiling about? Don't tell me you actually like this?!-" changbin asked confused.

"No somethings just on my mind"

"Or someone?" changbin said with a smile which shocked leeknow. "It's so obvious hyung" changbin whispered.

'Does he know?' leeknow thought.

Author's note:

Finally a switch up!!
I wonder if Leeknow will open up and finally tell someone whats going on in his mind??
And the indirect kiss was very cute don't you think ;)
I kinda wrote this last minute but school is over now so I will be much more dedicated don't worryy!!

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